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  Okay, so I'm a few months late for when I probably should have addressed this, but here it is anyways.

  I absolutely DO NOT support J. K. Rowling or her transphobic opinions, and I've lost any respect I ever had for her. I still love HP, but JKR is a terrible person.

  To any trans/enby peeps that are reading this, you are real and valid and perfect and loved and beautiful/ handsome/ pretty/ attractive and wonderful and amazing and special and accepted and you deserve the world ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  Anyways, I considered it for a while, and I am going to continue the story, because I still like the series, even if the author is a really awful person. So yeah, I just wanted to make it completely clear where I stand on the matter, because it's really upsetting to see someone you looked up to for years be so hateful towards people over something they don't control. Gender identity isn't a choice, any more than sexuality is. It's just who you are.

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