Chapter 14: SLYTHERIN!

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Harry's P.O.V.
  I sit there in the carriage for a little bit longer, not having the energy to move. I just feel so tired all of a sudden.
  Before I know it, though, a "little bit longer" has turned into fifteen minutes and I'm late for the beginning of the feast. I start panicking, but push it down, since I don't have the time for that. I jump out of cart and race through the entrance.
  I reach the massive wooden doors of the Great Hall and push them hard, sending them flying open with a loud crash. The whole hall falls silent at my sudden entrance, including Professor McGonagall, who was in the middle of her beginning of the year speech. I flush a bright red and look down, averting my eyes from everyone else, and hurry to a seat at the very end of the Gryffindor table, away from any and all people.
  After another moment of akward silence, in which I do my best to convince the ground to swallow me up and let me disappear, the headmistress clears her throat and continues with what she was saying before I made my "grand entrance."
  "As i was saying, the older students have all been invited back to repeat their seventh year that many missed- many pairs of eyes find their way to me- and in which the ones who were here didn't truly learn the content. They are the eighth years now, even though they will be learning seventh year material, and they will have classes only with their year."
  After this, she said that she had a few more announcements, but that they would happen after the sorting of the new first years. With that, she brought out the stool, ths old hat, and the long list of names, just like at my own Sorting Ceremony. I didn't pay attention at all to the names being called or the houses that were shouted out by the hat. I just sat and thought, although I don't really know what i was thinking about, if anything at all. Really i was just spaced out.
  Finally, after what felt like hours, she rolled the parchment that was in her hands back up, and now she is preparing to speak again.
  "If I may have your attention please," she calls. She seems be speaking at a normal volume, but it echoes all over the hall, getting every student and teacher to focus on her.
  "Now that the Sorting Ceremony is finished, there are a few very important pieces of information that I need to share with you all, although they mostly pertain to the eighth years. First of all, since there isn't enough room in your respective house dormitories, the eighth years will have their own common room and sleeping quarters. With that said, you will all be sharing a room with only one other person, seeing as there are far fewer here for this year than in years prior." That comment felt like a train smashing into my chest, but i try not to show it.
  "Everyone will have a room with a member of their own house, of the same gender. Now, onto the other news. I know many will not be happy about this decision, but I have decided that all eighth years will be submitted to a Resorting, because I know that many of you have been changed dramatically by...recent events."
  There is a sudden uproar of shouting and objections.

"Thats not fair!"

"We've always been in the same house!"

"We might havs to leave our friends!"

  I, however, sit quietly, resigned to my fate. I know what house I'll be put into, and I know that no one will accept it. But the thing is, i don't care. I can't bring myself to care, about this ir anything really. I just feel numb, empty.
  McGonagall quickly silences the crowd by simply putting up her hands. How does she do that? She takes out another scroll of parchment, which must be the list of returning eighth years, and begins calling names. Malfoy and his gang, including Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, Nott, and Parkinson, all stay in Slytherin, of course. Many others also keep their houses, although some are switched into a different house.

"Ronald Weasley!"

  "Hermione Granger!"

  "Hannah Abott!"

  "Harry Potter!"
  Everyone falls completely silent, which makes me very uncomfortable as i walk to the front and face everyone, sitting down carefully on the stool.
  "Ah, you know what's coming, don't you?" The hat is muttering in my ear again, with its slightly mysterious voice. "Not putting up much of a fight this time, are you? Yes, definitely. That piece of Voldemort in you wasn't the reason you should have been in Slytherin. No, that was all you. Better be... SLYTHERIN!"
  The last word is screamed out loud for the whole school to hear. I wince as immediately everyone's eyes fill with confusion, then mistrust, then anger and hatred. Soon people begin shouting things at me, such as:

"Our perfect Golden Boy, a Slytherin! Ha!"




  I quickly stand up and walk over to the very end of the Slytherin table, the farthest i can get from everyone else without leaving the room, but it isn't far enough. I can hear people whispering terrible things about me, and they're the nice ones. Some are still shouting insults at me, and not even the headmistress can quiet them down.
  Many Griffindors are taking part in the name calling and insults, along with just as many Slytherins, who aren't very happy about me being here. There are a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws as well, but not nearly as many as from the other two houses.
  Finally, using a voice magnification charm, Professor McGonagall gets everyone to settle down, and announces the beginning of the banquet. Food appears up and down every table, platter upon platter laden with everything from chicken to apples to treacle tart. Instead of grabbing a plate and digging in like everyone else, i sit and pick at non-existent fuzz on my robes. Just the idea of food makes me nauseous.
  I'm a weak pathetic traitorous Slytherin. I don't deserve food. I let people die for me in the war when i could've saved them. I don't deserve food. I'm a terrible person that no one could love. I don't deserve food. I don't deserve anything but pain. I don't even deserve life. All those people that died? They don't get to eat anymore, so why should I? They don't get to have friends anymore, so why should I? They don't get to live anymore. Why do i deserve to live when they can't?
  I can't take it anymore. I get up and sprint out of the Great Hall, running blindly and aimlessly down random corridors until I have no idea where i am. I take out the Marauders' Map and tap it with my wand, muttering "I solemnly swear that i am up to no good," as i do.
  The map reveals that I am in a second floor corridor, one where there are no house common rooms, in-use classrooms, or restrooms. In other words, a place where no one will bother me. Judging by the thick layer of dust over everything, this place hasn't been used in ages. With this comforting thought in mind, i slide down the wall and come to rest on the ground with my face buried in my knees, which are pulled to my chest, and my arms covering my head. After a moment I start to sob quietly, letting all the guilt and sadness wash over me in waves.

Author's Notes:
  Okay, so i know I haven't updated in awhile, sorry, but things have been happening, so I didn't really have a ton of time or inspiration to write this. Anyways, I tried to make this chapter longer than some of the others to make up for it, I hope you enjoy it. Also, cover art is not mine, i found it online, all credit goes to the artist, who i don't know. Anywho, byyeee!!

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