Chapter 35: Lakeside Confrontation

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(Third person POV)

"Well, well, look what we have here. Someone doesn't know how to listen very well."

Draco's blood ran cold. He froze, not turning around. He didn't need to. He knew that voice all to well.

Harry looked over at the boy sitting next to him and, seeing his stricken expression, felt his heart sink. He'd known since last night that he would confront whoever had hurt Draco, but he hadn't expected it to be so soon, and he'd thought it would be on his own terms, when he chose to. Apparently, he had been mistaken.

Will circled around, crouching in front of the smaller of the two, getting down to his level.

"What's wrong, Draco? Aren't you happy to see me?"

Draco didn't reply. He didn't know how. No matter what happened at night, Will had never so much as looked at Draco during the day since that day in the corridor when they'd met. Seeing him here, right in front of him in broad daylight, out of the familiar setting of the RoR, was incongruous to say the least. It just wasn't something that was meant to happen. Like seeing a waffle on the moon, or a Porsche in the middle of the jungle. The two things just didn't go together in Draco's mind. He just stared at Will, wide-eyed, and shrank back, trying to get as far away as he could without actually moving.

Will quirked an eyebrow, his signature taunting smirk firmly in place.

"So I'll take that as a no, then. Ouch. Honestly Draco, don't be rude." He turned to Harry then, and spoke in a brisk, airy, casual tone that didn't quite fit the circumstances. "So sorry to interrupt your little picnic, but we really must be going now. We have plans." Grabbing Draco's wrist, he stood and pulled him roughly to his feet. Draco whimpered in pain and fear but didn't protest.

Harry's gaze hardened as he glared at Will, but Draco caught his eye before he could say anything, shaking his head slightly. It wasn't hard to tell what he was trying to say. Please don't do anything. Just let it go. Stay quiet. Let it go. It's fine. Harry ignored him and scrambled to his feet.

"Don't. Touch. Him," he growled. Will only grinned wider.

"Feisty one you've got there, Dray. Care to introduce me?"

Draco shook his head, keeping his gaze trained determinedly on the sand. "Y-you should leave." His voice was small, quiet. Fearful. Harry was shocked at how quickly he'd gone from being open and relaxed to docile and submissive. How easily Will was able to control him.

"No, it's alright. Let him tell me who the hell he is and why he thinks he has the right to touch you." He said it firmly, trying to gain the confidence he needed by pretending he already had it.

Will chuckled. "Ah, see? Your friend here would like to get acquainted too. But I suppose we can manage on our own, if you're too shy to do it." Focusing on Harry once more, he tilted his head, still smirking. "Will Forrest. I already know who you are, but let's get the pleasantries out of the way, shall we?"

Harry fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Harry Potter. There, we're acquainted. Now let go of Draco."

"He's rather bossy, isn't he?" mused Will, idly twirling a piece of Draco's hair. "He's fun. For now, you, darling, have my undivided attention. But if we stay around him much longer, well, I may get," he paused, looking away from Draco to drag his eyes over Harry, then returning his focus to the blond, "distracted."

"No!" Draco's eyes widened in panic at the implication. "We can go. I'll come with you. Please just leave him alone. Please." Harry shot him an incredulous look. but he ignored it. Will was acting strange. Possessive. Oddly endearing. He didn't know where this was going, and he didn't want Harry to be the one to find out.

"Wonderful. My sincerest apologies, Potter, but I'm afraid we can't stick around to chat." With that he turned and stalked away, his grip on Draco's wrist tightening even further, dragging him along. Draco stumbled then hurried to catch up, casting one last desperate look over his shoulder, shaking his head again. Don't get involved.

Harry made as if to chase after them, but wobbled and fell almost immediately, unable to control his legs. A Jelly-Legs Jinx. The familiar feel of Draco's magic tingled in his legs and he sighed, shutting his eyes. He hadn't even seen him cast the spell. Why wouldn't he just let Harry save him?

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