Chapter 36: It's About Time, You Lovesick Idiots

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(Third person POV)

Will tugged Draco up the hill toward a small, dilapidated looking stone gazebo that Draco had never noticed before. The moment they were inside, Draco found himself being shoved roughly against the wall, and then Will was kissing him, hard and demanding. He froze. Will was- what? It took a second for his brain to catch up. As soon as it did, he started pushing feebly at Will's chest, but in the blink of an eye his wrists were pinned beside his head in a vice-like grip that he couldn't twist out of.

It felt like a lifetime before Will finally pulled away, a feverish gleam in his eye. Draco was left breathless, panting as he tried to wrap his mind around the sudden change in circumstances. He didn't have much time to process, though, because, the next thing he knew, Will was trailing hungry kisses over his jaw, down his neck, pausing every now and then to bite the soft skin. Draco whined and whimpered, squirming beneath him.

"I told you," snarled Will without stopping, "to stay away from Potter." He sunk his teeth into Draco's skin again, making him gasp quietly. "You belong to me."

"I- what? I don't belong to y-" He sucked in a sharp breath, shutting his eyes against the sensation of Will's teeth grazing his ear, making him shiver.

"You do. Just give me a little time, I'll make you admit it."

It didn't take long. A few well-placed bites, a few more forceful, heated kisses, and Draco could hardly stand. When Will took a step back he slid, shaking, to his knees. A few tears slid down his cheeks, falling quietly to the dusty floor.

"Please. . . please no more. Please. . ."

Will knelt in front of him, just like he'd done in the RoR. His face held the same gentleness now as it had then, too.

"You can make it stop. You're mine. Just say it, and this can be over." He reached out, combing his fingers through Draco's hair carefully.

"I-I'm yours. I'm yours."

"Good. See, that wasn't so hard." All the malice had gone from Will. His voice was soft. Kind. His moods changed like the weather.

Standing up, he extended a hand to the boy on the floor. Draco took it, apprehension clear in his movements, and let himself be pulled to his feet. Wrapping an arm around his waist, Will pulled him close one last time, kissing him again, but it was different. This time it was slow and gentle, almost loving. It wasn't loving, of course, not really, but Draco could almost imagine that it was. When Will pulled back, he cupped Draco's face, brushing his thumb over his cheek. Draco closed his eyes, leaning slightly into the touch.

"God, you're beautiful, Draco," he whispered. Then he was gone, pulling away and walking out the door, leaving Draco standing in the middle of the gazebo, his head a mess of conflicting emotions.

What was he supposed to feel? He should be disgusted and horrified, shouldn't he? He should be angry, or maybe scared. He should be all of those things, or maybe none of them. He wasn't really sure. He wasn't entirely sure what it was he was feeling, either. He knew he didn't like it. Or at least, he didn't like the first part. But then. . . He shouldn't have liked it, the feeling of Will's fingers raking through his hair, the way he'd held him, the way he'd kissed him once Draco had done what he wanted. But he did. It had been so long since anyone was gentle with him like that. Anyone but Harry.

Harry. He did his best to clear the thoughts of Will from his mind. Harry was gentle and kind and careful with him, and he didn't have to do something right to earn that from Harry. Harry wasn't cruel when he was angry. Harry was safe and Will wasn't, he reminded himself. Not that it really mattered. He didn't want Will, and he couldn't have Harry.

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