Chapter 21: The First Night

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Draco's POV
  After changing into my nightclothes, washing my face, and brushing my teeth in our bathroom, I walked out into mine and Harry's room. Harry was lying on his back in his bed, tossing a snitch up into the air and catching it. He sat up when he heard the bathroom door close and he smiled at me when our eyes met.
  Those stupid eyes. Those stupid, sparkling, shimmering, beautiful eyes. Every time I looked at them something inside me tingled and stirred and I would look away and blush.
  Harry, seemingly oblivious to my tomato cheeks, then spoke up. "So, what do you think of the dorm Draco?"
  "I think it's amazing. Although I think it could use a couple of things."
  "Really? Like what?" asked a puzzled Harry.
  I needed no more prompting than that to do what I had wanted to do since we got upstairs. Taking a out of my trunk, one that I wouldn't have read anyways, and saying an incantation, I transfigured it into an enormous flat screen TV. I then floated it over and mounted it on the wall opposite the beds. Finally, I dragged the shower stool out of the bathroom and turned it into a large sofa, which I positioned in front of the TV.
  When I turned back around, Harry was staring at me, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. I giggled-- yes, actually giggled-- and watched as he took in the new additions to the room's decor.
  "Whoa. Where did you learn about muggle stuff like TV's?"
  I was a little surprised that that was the first comment he made, but I answered anyways. "I spent a good bit of time in muggle London over the summer, and I found that I quite like some of the ideas muggles have had."
  "Where's the remote?"
  "The what?"
  "The thing that controls the TV," he explained.
   "Oh, um, I didn't think about that. Is that the little black boxish thingy?"
  Harry laughed at that but nodded, and I conjured the thing that was apparently called a remote.
  Springing up from his bed, Harry snatched the remote and grabbed my hand, dragging me over to the large couch I had made. He then turned on the TV and put on some movie called "Beauty and the Beast," which he said was his favorite. He also said that the original was animated (whatever that means) but that he liked the newer, live-action version better. We settled down next to each other on the cushions and watched as the movie began.
  The film, which I had discovered that I quite liked, was nearing its end. The main character, a girl named Belle, who looked uncannily like Granger, was dancing with the Beast, who had turned out to be a prince, and everyone was smiling and laughing and twirling around in a ballroom. It was then that I noticed a sound that wasn't coming from the movie and a weight on my shoulder. Harry had fallen asleep leaning against me, head on my shoulder, and he was snoring adorably. Chuckling, I leaned back and drifted off to sleep, a certain raven-haired boy still curled up against my side.

A/N: AaAaaaaAAaa okay I'm really sorry for the long wait yet again, so here's some short drarry fluff to make up for it. I'm not dead, I didn't forget about the story, I promise, just a lot of stuff has happened. In other news, guess who got a fucking girlfriend bitches. I'm happy. Like really, REALLY fucking happy. Anyways, I'll try to get this story back on track a bit, so yeah. Bye!!

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