Chapter 15: Astronomy Tower

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Draco's P.O.V.
  I've tried really hard to deny it to myself, to convince myself otherwise, but now I can't lie to myself anymore. I don't care.  
  Actually, I DO care, and that's what I was trying to believe was a lie. Something changed while we were on the train, and for some reason, something in me is concerned for Potter's well-being. There's something there that wants to protect him from the world, to help him.
  I'm not sure what this feeling is, I haven't felt like this before, but at first I fully intended to ignore it. That's what I planned to do, up until Potter ran out of the Great Hall.
  He looked so... I don't even know how to describe the look on his face.
  And I also noticed that he hadn't eaten anything. He had looked at the food on his plate with disgust and something very close to self-loathing. I know that look. I know that feeling. That feeling of being disgusted at yourself for being hungry, for eating. I don't want him to be the same as me. I don't want this to happen to him. I want to protect him.

  So now Harry- no, Potter. No, Harry- has been gone for a couple of minutes. I decided to wait a little while before going after him, so that no one would know I was following him. That would raise too many questions, ones which I didn't have time to answer. That look on his face had scared me, how utterly shattered he'd looked, and I'm afraid of what he might do in this state.
  I get up and walk quickly out of the room, ignoring the muttering and whispers that follow me. Usually I can't help but hear the way they spit my name like a curse word, or the way they sneer at me, but right now I'm focused on my goal: find Harry before he does something dangerous.
  I look around the entryway for a moment before I realize I don't know where he went. Sir Nicholas is floating around by the staircase though, so I ask him. I try to be polite, but apparently in my hurry it wasn't very effective.
  "And why on earth should I tell you? Mr. Potter seemed very upset, and I don't think he would appreciate having you around to pick a fight."
  He lifted his nose in the air and began to float away. I couldnt think what else to do, so I called after him.
  "Sir Nicholas wait! Please... I don't want to start trouble I... I'm worried about him..." I trail off and look down, hoping he won't question my newfound compassion for my "enemy." But of course, that doesn't happen.
  "You? Worried about someone other than yourself? And Mr. Potter no less! Why-"
  "Please, i really don't mean to be rude, but I think he might be in danger!" I cut him off, trying to avoid his questioning. I'm afraid of what Harry will do if he's left on his own for much longer, and every minute that I spend talking to Nick the risk becomes higher.
  "Oh, very well. If you're in such a rush, he went that way." He points towards a scarcely used corridor, that I believe only has empty classrooms and a restroom that doesn't work.
  After thanking the ghost quickly, I hurry off in the direction of the hallway that Harry went down.
  It's very dimly lit, with flickering torches mounted on the walls about every five feet. The floor is covered in a rather thick layer of dust, which works to my advantage, because i can see where his footprints lead.
  I stop about halfway down the corridor and peer down the rest of the way. Even though it's hard to see, I can tell Harry isn't here. However, I can still see where he's walked, and it looks like he passed through here then left, after stopping at some point. There's a place by the wall where it looks like he sat down for a while, and the floor is a bit wet. He was probably crying.
  I continue on to the end of the corridor, wondering where it leads. Once I get there though, I get a slightly sick, sinking feeling in my stomach.
  It's a staircase, leading somewhere outside, and I bet I know where.
  I take the stairs quickly, two at a time, but it still feels too slow.
  Finally, after what feels like forever, I reach the top, and i was right. It lead to the top of the Astronomy Tower. And there, standing on the edge, shivering and shaking from the cold night air and from crying, is Harry.

A/N: Okay, so here's the next chapter. Its not very good, and it's kinda short, but it's something. I'mma try to update more now, but school's starting again in two weeks, so we'll see. I promise we'll get to the actual Drarry here soon, but this is kinda a slow burn, so yeah. Bye!

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