Chapter 16: Astronomy Tower Part 2

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Harry's P.O.V.
I stand on the ledge of the Astronomy Tower, on the outside of the railing. I'm holding onto the metal behind me, preventing me from falling yet.
I know I'm going to do it. I'm going to jump. Ill end all the pain i cause everyone else, and the pain that I'm in. I'll finally be able to please everyone, which I could never do before. But not yet.
I want a couple of minutes here, like this, before everything goes away. I look out at the setting sun, and at the Hogwarts grounds. I see the Forbidden Forest, where Ron and I went to see Aragog, and Hagrid's hut, where my friends and I went for many visits filled with tea, laughter, and barely edible rock cakes. The Black Lake where the second task of the Triwizard Championship was held.
At some point I started crying without realizing it. So many happy memories here. But the happiest memories are the ones that hurt the most, remembering how happy, carefree, and oblivious to the world i used to be. I wonder why I couldn't have stayed like that, why everything had to change.
With those thoughts, I let go of the railing and just stand there, staring down. I hear clattering behind me, like someone coming up the stairs, but i ignore it. Nothing will matter in just a few seconds.
Then, out of nowhere, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me up and backwards, back behind the rail. We both fall to the ground, with me struggling to get free of their grasp, but whoever it is has my arms pinned to my sides, and the more i squirm the tighter they hold me. Eventually, I give up and let my body go limp, exhausted from everything that's happened today.
Once I've stopped moving, I feel the person, who i can now tell is a boy based on his build and strength, sit up. I keep my eyes squeezed shut, hoping to make everything disappear, but then he starts speaking.
"Harry. Harry look at me."
He's panting, but I can still tell who it is. I still recognize the voice. The one person I least want to see right now.
I sit up slowly, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I look everywhere but at Draco- wait no i meant Malfoy!
This is just another thing that is making life impossible. I'm so confused. I think him, but...I can't! I can't be gay! And I definitely can't be gay for Draco Malfoy, my sworn enemy, the one that hates me, or at least used to. Wait until all those people who already were shouting at ne find out that I'm...not straight. Life will become even more of a living hell.
"Harry, please, please look at me."
The sound snaps me back to reality. I'm surprised at the gentle tone and softness in his voice. I slowly lift my head to look at him, and I find the same kindness in his expression, along with no small amount of concern.

Draco's P.O.V.
I don't care about appearances or hiding my feelings or any of that at the moment. I just need to help Harry, and if that requires me to show that i care, then so be it.
In a gentle tone, I beg him to look at me, and he does so hesitantly.
There are tears in his beautiful emeral- wait what?! Did I almost just call his eyes beautiful? I mean sure, the tears caught in his eyelashes make them look darker and longer, and his eyes seem to shimmer in the moonlight, but...oh shit. This is not the time or the place for this!
I already knew I was gay as fuck, I mean, it's painfully obvious, but gay for Harry Potter, the Golden Boy? Hell no. At least...I don't want to like him...
Anywho, back to the present moment in reality, instead of getting caught up in my hella gay thoughts.
I stare into his deep green eyes, searching them, trying to tell what he's feeling right now. All I see there is pain, sadness, shock and...fear? What is he afraid of?
My question is quickly answered, however, when Harry speaks up quietly.
"Pl-please don't t-tell anyone," he murmured, so softly that it was barely coherent. So that's what he was worried about. I am quick to reassure him that I'll keep this a secret.
"I'm not going to, i promise. Its okay, no one has to know." Once I say this, it's as if his last worry, the only thing that was keeping him from giving in to exhaustion, was taken away. He collapses to the ground and stays there for a good few minutes.
When I look over at him again, I find that his chest is rising and falling slowly, and he's fast asleep. I smile to myself a little and readjust my position so that I'm more comfortable, ready to sit with him until he wakes up.

A/N: I know this chapters pretty short, and not much really goes on, but it took me forever to wriye and I needed to publish something. Don't worry, I have actual stuff planned to happen in the next chapter, idk when it'll be out tho. Sometime reasonably soon, but school starts back on Thursday for me, so that'll probably put it back a little. Also, the photo at the top has absolutely nothing to do with the story, it's Shouto Todoroki from My Hero Academia bc I've become low-key obsessed with him and that anime. Alright, I'm done now, bye!

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