Chapter 19: Nightmares

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Previously: However, after hours have hasn't come, I give up and lay back in bed. This time, darkness overtakes me almost immediately, and I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Harry's POV:
Well, it was dreamless for about five minutes. Five minutes of peaceful nothing before the images slowly start to drift to the surface.

*Harry's dream*

Laughter. The first thing I was aware of was laughter. But not the pleasant kind. No, it was bone-chilling, terrifying laughter that made my skin crawl.
Everything around me was blurry, but it was slowly coming into focus.
Everything had bars over it, and i quickly realized I was viewing the scene from a child's crib.
The next thing that I could make out was a woman with long red hair, her features contorted in a fearful and panicked expression as she hurried about, moving all of the furniture in the room in front of the door.
We were in what seemed to be a nursery, a child's toys and clothes strewn about on the floor.
There was muffled shouting coming from downstairs, a man's voice, begging for something.
I could only tell he was begging from the tone of his voice, for the words were indistinguishable as soon as they reached my ears. All of the sounds were muted and muffled, except for that terrible laughter that echoed clearly in my head.
The man kept shouting until, suddenly, there was a scream, and then a thud, as of something heavy hitting the floor.
The woman in front of me started sobbing loudly, but she continued her task until quiet, gliding footsteps were audible outside the door.
She backed away and whirled around, crouching in front of me, she began to say something, but her words were distorted, as though i was hearing her through water.
Her emerald green eyes were teary, and her dark eyelashes framing her eyes were accentuated by the tears caught in them. Her pale cheeks were flushed and wet, tear tracks easy visible.
Suddenly, the door burst open, the furniture behind it doing little to keep it closed as it was reduced to splinters.
A cloaked figure stepped carefully inside, a long wand clutched in its long-fingered, pale hand.
The woman began pleading with the figure, the same as the man had seemed to have been doing. She gestures to me and then herself, still crying and begging.
After watching her for a moment, the figure said something in what seemed to be another language, and a blinding green light came from the tip of the wand. The woman's body arched backwards and she screamed, and then fell, lifeless, to the floor.
The person turned slowly and walked towards me, pulling back the hood as they did. The face of a terrible creature that could hardly be called a man was revealed, with awful red eyes, slits for nostrils, resembling those of a snake, and rotting teeth.
His hot breath ghosted across my face as he bent down, whispering something incomprehensible. Then, he pointed his wand directly at me and said the same strange words as before. The same blinding green light came from the wand, engulfing me, and-

I bolted upright, shaking and sweating, tears streaming down my face. The nightmare replayed in my head, over and over and over, as though it was stuck on repeat.
This nightmare was the one that came back the most, but no matter how many times it did, how many times i heard my mother scream, heard her lifeless body hit the floor, i would never, ever get used to it.
Knowing that there was no chance of me being able to fall asleep again, and that classes don't start for another week, I give up on the idea of sleep and sit all the way up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.
I am immediately grateful for the shag carpet mat, for instead of cold, hard stone, my feet land on the warm, soft rug.
I stand up, making my way over to the door, opening it, and creeping into the hallway, shutting the door quietly behind me.
Making my way down the stairs, I spot Draco on the largest couch wide awake, staring at his hands. I'm in the middle of debating whether I should say something to him or go back to my room when my nose starts running, and i realize I'm still crying. I sniff, since i don't have any tissues at the moment, and Draco's head snaps up. When he sees it's me he relaxes a tiny bit.

A/N: Okay, so I thought i published this like a week ago, but apparently not? I wrote it, but I guess I didn't publish it. Anyways, here it is, but it SHOULD be less than two weeks until the next chapter. Emphasis on the "should," but I'll probably have the next chapter of in like a week. Maybe. Bye!!

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