Chapter 2

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"Ladies and gentlemen." Ben said loudly as he looked at all of the Auradon students and teachers that were seated in chairs in front of him. "I know a lot of you are still tired from Cotillion last night, that is why I plan on making this quick." He said. "So over the last number of months Auradon has been improving slowly. We have all become more welcoming especially to our four students from the Isle of the Lost." He said obviously reffering to Mal, Carlos, Jay, and Evie. "However we are still in the process of improvement. So with that being said, the reason I have gathered all of you here today is because I have a very important announcement." He said. "Auradon will continue to improve by accepting all sexualities such as gay and bisexual." He said. "Now as many of you know, for years that was banned thanks to my father but I feel we should accept eachother for who we are." He said as he looked at the crowd. "Now that is all, everyone you may leave and go enjoy the rest of your day." He said with a smile as everyone got up and walked off.

Mal got up from the chair she was sitting on behind Ben. Once she did she walked over and kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Good to hear your gonna be accepting of everyone." She said with a smile.

"Well you can't control who you're attracted too." He replied with a smile.

"Very true, I mean look at." She replied. "I got attracted to you." She said with a smile.

Ben smiled then saw Evie walk up with a smile as she looked at the happy couple. As she made her way over and noticed Ben was blushing.

"Awww you look so cute when you blush." Evie said giggling.

Mal smiled as she heard Evie giggling. "Hey E." She said happily as she moved in front of Ben.

Evie looks at Mal and Ben smiling. "How are you two lovebirds?" She said with a slight giggle.

"Good." Mal said smiling.

Ben nodded in agreement before kiss Mals cheek. "I gotta go babe, I'll uh see ya later?" He said as he looked at her.

"Yeah, bye babe." She responded with a smile.

Ben smiled then walked off leaving the two girls alone. As the two girls looked at eachother they just smiled.

"So Bens gonna make Auradon more accepting." Evie said.

"Yeah which is great." Mal said. "I'm sure there's a few girls that have feelings for other girls." She said.

"Yeah I think Audrey or Jane." Evie said with a laugh.

"Yikes if thats true, DeVil turned Jane gay." Mal said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Evie joked with a laugh.

"Anyways E, since Ben is busy and Doug I think is busy you wanna hang out?" Mal asked with a smile.

"Of course M!" Evie said happily. "I just have a few dresses to finish." She said as she slightly turned her head.

"How many is a few?" The purple haired girl questioned.

"Uhh....fifteen." The blue haired girl said with an innocent smile.

"Evie!" Mal said as she looked at her. "You can do those tomorrow." She told her.

"But-" Evie was quickly cut off by Mals finger on her lips.

"You can do them tomorrow." Mal responed with her finger on Evies lips.

Evie just smiple nodded as Mal moved her finger away from her lips smiling. "Fine M." She said with a smile on her face.

Mal smiled then took her best friends hand and pulled her from the stage. Once the two girls got off the stage they made their way around Auradon.

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