Chapter 20

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Mal woke up next to Harry as the rain stopped outside, she opened her eyes slowly and looked beside her and her eyes widened.

She sat up and looked under the blanket and they were both naked, she started to freak out as she got out of the bed and began to get dressed.

"Oh no, Evies gonna kill me." She said as she was freaking out.

Harry reached up and grabbed Mals ass. "She doesn't have to know." He said with a smirk.

Mal quickly slapped Harrys hand away and turned around and looked at her. "Nothing happened!" She snapped.

"Oh really?" Harry said with a smirk. "So you moaning daddy last night over and over didn't happen?" He asked with a smirk.

Mal bit her bottom lip and looked at him. "No it didn't." She said as she turned around and grabbed her pants.

"You have a great ass Mally." He said with a smirk as he smacked her ass.

She slightly jumped as she smirked, but hid it as she looked at him. "I know I do Harry, but stop!" She snapped as she put her pants on.

As she got her pants on she threw her shirt on as well, she then fixed her hair a bit as she turned and looked at Harry.

"We had sex, but nobody will ever know got it?" She said looking at him.

Harry smirked looking at her. "Got it Mally." He said.

"Now I have to go." She said as she left the room before he could stop her.

Mal then went down the stairs and straight to the front door, she grabbed her jacket and put it on, then put her boots on and opened the door and walked out.

She immediately headed towards her hideout, and once she got there she walked in and saw Evie packing.

"Hey E." She said looking at her.

Evie turned and looked at her. "M!" She said as she ran over. "Where were you?" She asked.

"Made a deal with Harry, then went and looked around the Isle to kill time." Mal responded.

"But it was pouring down rain." Evie said.

"I stayed with Dizzy." Mal said quickly as she looked at Evie.

"Okay." Evie said believing her. "At least you're okay." She said.

"Yeah I am." Mal said as she went and took her jacket and boots off again. "Are you ready to head back to Auradon?" She asked.

"Yeah I am, when are we going back again? Tomorrow?" Evie questioned.

"Well Harry agreed to leave the kids alone so we could leave today." She said.

"Great." Evie responded.

"So do you wanna leave today?" Mal questioned.

"Yeah I do." Evie responded looking at her.

"Okay great!" Mal said smiling.

~A few hours later~

The long stretch limo pulled back into Auradon as Jay was driving it, he parked it and everyone got out.

Mal and Evie both smiled at eachother as they got out, they had talked on the way back about what they were gonna do.

Mal headed towards Bens place to finally break up with him, meanwhile Evie headed back to her place.

As Evie was walking she passed by a few people who seemed to give her a dirty look as she walked past, each one looking more and more dirty. It was as if Evie did something horribly wrong.

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