Chapter 8

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"Well M?" Evie said as she looked at her.

"Um." Mal said quietly.

"Just be honest with me." Evie said as she looked at Mal a bit worried.

Mal looked at Evie and sighed. "Yes I wrote it but I didn't want too." She told her.

Evie looked at Mal and smiled knowing now that Mal was forced to write it. "Okay M, so it was Harry and Uma who wanted it written?" She asked.

Mal stood there looking a bit out of it. "Uh yeah exactly." She said. "Anyways I'm gonna go and check on Carlos and Jay, I'll see ya later." She said as she went past Evie and outside.

As she got outside she looked down the road and remembered one thing that Jay and Carlos told her. "Third house from the end on the left." As she said that in her head she went down to the house and knocked on the door.

After about a minute Carlos opened the door and smiled. "Hey Mal." He said.

"Hey Carlos, is Jay here?" She asked.

"No why?" He asked.

"Just wanted to make sure, cause I need to tell you something." Mal said.

Carlos stepped aside to let Mal in. "Oh okay whats up?" He asked.

Mal walked in and immediately sat down on the couch. "I just lied to Evie." She said.

Carlos shut the door looking at her. "Wait what?" He said sounding surprised.

"Evie told me she came to you guys about something written in the Dragon Hall yearbook?" She asked.

"Yeah what about it?" He asked as he went and sat beside her.

"It was my idea to say she was the biggest slut on the Isle." Mal said as she looked at Carlos.

Carlos eyes widened. "Wait what?!" He said in complete shock. "Why?" He questioned.

"I heard that she was talking shit behind my back, I was pissed off when I first heard about it so I wrote it out." She said. "My intention was to ruin her image at Dragon Hall but later that day she came to me personally and shut all of the rumors down, but at that time it was too late to have the yearbooks redone." She told him with a sigh.

"Wow." Carlos said. "Why didn't you just tell her the truth?" He asked.

"Because I was afraid that she wouldn't let me explain and that she would hate me." Mal said as she looked at Carlos.

"She would be upset, but she would never hate you Mal." Carlos said looking at her as he moved closer to her.

Mal looked at him and sighed. "Fine I'll tell her the truth when I feel the time is right." She told him as she went and wrapped her arms around him hugging him.

Carlos smiled and hugged back. "Good Mal." He said as he broke the hug and looked at her.

Mal smiled as she got up and so did Carlos. The two looked at eachother and Mal kissed Carlos cheek. "Thank you for not judging me Carlos." She said with a smile.

He smiled back and slightly blushed. "Of course Mal." He said. "Anyways I gotta go meet Jane soon but let me know when you tell Evie the truth." He told her.

"I will." Mal said with a smile before going to the door. "Bye Carlos." She said with a slight wave as she left.

Mal then went back down the street and was on her way to hers and Evies house but was stopped by Audrey.

"Oh hey look who it is, Mal the perfect princess of Auradon, the one everyone loves." Audrey said followed by groaning.

"Oh hey look who it is, Audrey the biggest and dumbest bitch on the Isle." Mal said with a smirk.

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