Together | Gamora [sibling]

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Requested by PsychedelicShips


"I don't feel right about leaving Nebula," you said, leaning against the side of the building on the opposite of your sister, who shot you a glare. 

"Nebula wouldn't betray our father, you know that," she said, and she pulled out a Yaro Root.

"Maybe if we had told her our plans to give her the chance to decide-"

She sighed. "We managed to get out unscathed, sister, which is pure luck. Thanos doesn't suspect a thing. We should count ourselves lucky."

"And forget the sister we swore to keep safe?"

"Yes." Her voice was cold, uncaring. "Now shut up and wait for my lead. We need that stone."

You swallowed your guilt and nodded. It was true; you did count yourself lucky for being able to convince Thanos and Ronan that you and Gamora alone could handle retrieving the stone. Now that you had convinced them all, the plan was to take it far, far away - where Thanos could never find it. 

Pressing yourself against the wall, you stilled. No one would be looking at you anyway.

The doors slid open and out stumbled a man with a long maroon coat. "Hey, we had a deal, bro!" he shouted at the closing doors. 

You counted the seconds. 



And now he had noticed Gamora. 

"What happened?" she asked. 

"Uh, this guy just backed out of a deal on me," he said. "If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. Peter Quill, people call me Star-Lord." 

Gamora smiled. "You have the bearing of a man with honor." She jerked her head once, giving you the cue to move forward silently.

The man tossed the sphere the stone was in and you nearly cursed at his stupidity. "Well, ya know... I wouldn't say that. People say it about me - all the time - but it's not something I would ever say about myself-"

You grabbed his shoulder and yanked him around to face you. Throwing a kick right at him, you knocked the stone out of his hands. Your sister caught it, and you threw your knee up at his jaw for good measure before taking off right behind Gamora.

Something was thrown at yours and Gamora's legs, tangling you both together. She fell halfway on top of you, knocking her head against your mouth. You grunted in pain and worked with her to untie your legs.

Star-Lord was running towards you both. Gamora threw her legs out and kicked him in the stomach. He landed on top of you both, and she flipped him and started to hit him. 

In the second she could, she got on top of him and pulled out a blade. "This wasn't the plan," she said, holding it above his throat. 

Something knocked into you and her at the same time. You turned your head - it was a tree. Shouting, you grabbed a branch that poked out of his arm and shoved it between his eyes. He stumbled back in shock, letting go of you. 

You grabbed your knife from your belt-

"Put him in the bag! Put him in the bag! No - not her. Him! Learn your genders, man!" 

A type of rodent was on top of your sister's shoulders. She screamed and bit him.

"Biting? That's not fair!" 

Star-Lord had gotten up. You took off after him, leaving your sister to deal with the two weirdos. 

You threw your knife and it cut him in the hand. He dropped the stone and it rolled away. Gamora, somehow free now, jumped down to catch it as it rolled off a bridge. She landed on her feet and kept running. 

You jumped down as well and stayed close by. Star-Lord was on top of her again, though-

But Gamora flipped him. 

"Fool," she said, hissing. "You should have learned."

"I don't learn. One of my issues." 

He attached something to her and she shot into the air, back to the ground, and into you. You screamed, feeling your body splash into a pool of some kind. Your back hit the wall.

Popping your head out of the water, you looked at her. "I'm killing him," she said simply. 

"Please, let me help," you said, voice bitter. 

You walked out of the water with your sister by your side. Approaching the two weirdos - who were still trying to get the man - you pulled out your sword at the same time Gamora did. She shoved the rodent out of the way. 

"They put the moron in the sack," you said, nodding towards the squirming thing on the ground. You threw your sword towards the tree, taking out his limbs. 

Gamora knelt down to get the stone out of the bag-

And she fell on the ground, bolts of electricity surrounding her body. You turned around in shock, seeing Star-Lord hopping away, the bag around his ankles-

You prepared to throw your sword, but the rodent was lifting a large gun up and onto his shoulder. "I live for the simple things," he said, "like how much this is going to hurt." 

You smiled as the man dropped on the ground, twitching and screaming in pain as electricity surrounded him, too. 

"Writhe, little man." The rodent laughed, turned around, and glared at you. "You're lucky I don't blast you for cuttin' Groot's arms off. Actually, you know what? I just might." He smirked. "I ain't mad, just in the mood to knock another person on their butt." 

Before he could shoot you, the three of you were paralyzed in a beam of orange energy.

You sighed. You and your sister were under arrest, and the stone wasn't in your possession.


The prison was filled with people that knew you and your sister. And hated you.

While you put on a brave face (you were used to doing that), you were terrified inside. Gamora remained stiff and silent at your side until you went to your shared cell. 

"It's okay to be scared," she said. 

You looked away from her in shame - and away from the prisoners that taunted you from the glass door. 

"All of my life, Thanos tortured me. Brought me to the brink of death and back. Sent me to fight my sisters, to do his dangerous dirty work... " You swallowed. "So why is this the scariest thing I've been through?" 

"Because for the first time, you and I have no idea what dangers await us. But they will be better than another minute spent as Thanos' prisoner and daughter. Look at me." 

You did. 

"Something tells me we will be alright." 

There was a sureness to her voice. A wave of warmth spread across you. Comfort. 

She got up and moved over to sit by you. She opened up her hand for you to take. You did. 

"We'll go through this together, sister. Whatever it may be."

You nodded. "Yes. Together." 

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