Home for the Holidays (part two) | Rocket Raccoon (platonic)

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here is part 2 my friends


Everyone on the Milano was still sound asleep as you and Rocket got off of the ship.

Rocket's favorite bar was a small, crowded joint with tons of questionable creatures with less than moral decisions. He fit right in among them, ignoring the looks he got as he walked through the doors and right up to the bar.

He hopped up on the stool and waved the bartender over. He gave his order and then looked at you.

"Nothing for me, thank you," you said to the bartender, lifting your hand dismissively. You sat down.

"Yeah, you say that, then you steal drinks from my glass," Rocket grumbled.

You glanced around. Everyone had their eyes latched onto either you or Rocket. You knew they either knew who you were, or they were wondering what kind of money they could steal from a woman and a raccoon. You looked like easy victims, but they wouldn't think that for long.

You tore your eyes away. "Stop complaining," you said to Rocket. "I'm paying for it, ain't I?"

"I'm paying for it, ain't I?" Rocket mocked you in a high-pitched, squeaky voice and that made you laugh.

The bartender dropped Rocket's drink, a tall glass of beer, right in front of him. It sloshed onto the counter.

Rocket reached out to grab it with his paws, but you swiped in and picked up the glass. You took a huge swallow, wincing at the flavor of it, then dropped it back on the counter.

"Gross," you sputtered.

"What the heck!" He grabbed his drink, then pointed in your face. "I knew you were gonna do that, you freak. You got issues!"

"I got issues? Have you tasted what you ordered?"

"No, I haven't. Because someone else just chugged most of it down!"

You broke out into a fit of laughter, and Rocket's lips twitched into a smile.

"I don't know why I keep you around, kid," he said.

"Because we're best friends, that's why," you said. "You know no one else would ever get your humor like I do. No one else would ever get you like I do."

"Yeah," he agreed. He paused for a moment, thinking. "But stop getting all mushy on me. I didn't ask for that for Christmas."

You smiled. "Okay, Rocket. No more mushy stuff."

It was quiet between the two of you for a moment, and then someone wedged themselves right between you and Rocket. They slammed their palm against the counter, making you jump as you looked up at the creature that was flesh colored, with solid black eyes and a streak of right blue tattooed on his head.

"Hey, back up, pal," Rocket said, standing up on his stool.

Your hand hovered over the knife that was tucked into your belt.

"Did I scare you, lady?" he asked.

"A little," you said. Rocket was up on the counter now, peeking over the giant's shoulder. You held up a finger, telling him that you could handle it for now. "Now back away."

He grinned, showing his green-tinted teeth. "My apologies. Hasn't nobody bought you a drink yet?"

"Yes, sir, nobody has bought me a drink yet," you said. "And I would like to keep it that way."

"Let me get you something," he said, leaning close.

"No," you said, leaning away from him, nose scrunched up in disgust.

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