Luckiest In The Galaxy | Peter Quill [romantic]

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this is super long and honestly,,, i could have made it longer bc ugh <3 i loved writing this

Requested by loganlovesniall


Peter never officially proposed. The idea of getting hitched originally came from you. In the midst of a terrifying battle, in the middle of rain and violence, you turned, grabbed Peter's hand to get his attention, and said:

"Hey, what do you think about you and me gettin' married?"

His mask disappeared from his face. Eyebrows raised, he said, "What?"

"Marrying me," you said.

He opened his mouth and no words came out. Then he started to stutter: "I-I would love to marry you, baby, you know that-" He grabbed your hand tightly and dragged you to a hiding spot. "But are you, like, proposing? 'Cause I thought the man was supposed to do that."

You shrugged and grinned. "Who cares how we do it, Peter? We live in space. With a team full of people, none of them of which are humans..."

He nodded. It was pouring currently, and he blinked the drops of water from his eyes. "Heck yeah, I'll marry you." Smirking slightly, he gripped your fingers and leaned in to kiss you right on the lips.


After the fight, you and Peter walked onto the ship, hand in hand. He brought you to the table and silently started to cut up a coil of wire. You caught on right away, and a few minutes later, you had a piece of wire getting pushed up your left ring finger. 

"Just 'til I get can you the real thing," he said. 

"This is perfect," you assured him. 

"Yeah?" He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah," you said. You helped him shape his own ring. You started to slip it up his finger, then you stopped. "Wait - I don't wanna just say that we're married."

"You don't?" His smile vanished. "W-Why, are you having second thoughts?"

"What? Peter, no! I just... I want a real thing. With you, me, and all of the others involved. They're our family." 

"Oh. Oh, okay," he said. He took the ring off. "Then... should we tell them?"

"Right now?" 

He nodded. "Well, yeah... I mean, I kinda wanna marry you really bad."

You started to laugh softly. "Okay, okay. Then let's tell them." You intertwined your fingers with his and turned away from the table. 

The rest of the Guardians were sitting around. Groot was playing his video game, Rocket was putting bombs in a drawer, Drax and Gamora were polishing their swords. Mantis was doing jumping jacks in the corner. You looked up at Peter, who couldn't stop grinning as he said, "So, uh, we kinda wanna announce something."

Rocket and Mantis glanced up. Groot didn't look up from his game (of course). 


Rocket sighed heavily, tipping his head back. "Alright, what is it, Quill? Let's get this over with." He crossed his arms and stood. 

"Dude," Peter said. 

"What? Star-Munch wants attention, what else is new?" 

"Rocket," you said, giving a warning tone. "Peter and I have decided to get married."

Gamora's head shot up. Drax stood from his seat, Mantis stopped doing jumping jacks and froze, her already wide eyes widening further.

Rocket was the first to speak. "Seriously?"

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