I || Secret Hideout

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ASTRO Moonbin x (male) reader
Make sure to watch the dance practice first, so you can fully understand the story.
Have you? Great, then have fun reading :3


They were at it again... They were fighting again.
There where times you asked if they ever did something else than fighting with each other.
All you could do was watch ... watch how the relationship of your parents was slowly getting destroyed.

You didn't want to watch, you didn't want to hear their shouts, you didn't want to see their angry faces.

You closed yourself up in your room and put in your headphones turning up the volume to max. But the shouts just won't go. This time it was serious. Tears welled up in your eyes as you heard them screaming at each other. You couldn't do it any longer, you just had to get away.

You jumped up from your bed and ran past your parents wiping away your tears. They didn't even acknowledge you a single bit. Outside you didn't know where to go at first but soon found an answer.

You needed to get on different thoughts. If there was one thing in the world that could distract you in that moment it was dancing. When you were dancing you felt like you could just let out all your bundled up emotions, all the pain you felt over the last days. The thing was your room was small, you could barely walk two full steps in there. Dancing was impossible in a room this small. A few months ago, when all started, you were already facing this problem and you came up with the simple answer to just dance outside. It didn't take long that you found your secret dancing spot, where you would go to whenever your parents were fighting again. No one was walking by at this place, just you, the music and your feelings.

Not even your friends know where it is, they just know that you're dancing outside, you never told them where. And you wanted to keep it like that, it was your own personal hiding spot.

You walked along the streets, turned around some corners until you reached your destination. It was like a small courtyard with abandoned buildings surrounding it, which was probably the reason no one else found it.

You layed down your treasure, a small music box your parents once gave you to your birthday, and searched for a song on your phone. Sometimes you just shuffled your playlist and danced freestyle to any song that came up but lately you had fun learning the actual choreography of a song you started to really like.
The Song was „All Night" by Astro. You liked the song because it had somehow two sides. Just based on the looks of the clothes and the photoshoot it was a light, cutsie concept. The lyrics could also be described as a boy deeply in love with someone, always talking to them on his phone. But then you look at the choreography and BAAM! You get attacked ... like for real...

You guess that's why you liked it so much, you like the style where something is secretly two sided. In some way it reminded you of your parents. On the one side they are loving and caring and on the other side they were angry and fighting all the time. But the fact that they are too two sided makes you blend out the one side you don't wanna see, if that makes any sense. Probably not...

Anyways you started to learn the choreography some weeks ago, you also started to like the band a lot over the time. But you were never sure who was supposed to be your favorite member, so for the choreography you just chose a part you wanted to dance based on the looks of the moves.
You ended up choosing Eunwoo's part even though all of them quite fitted your style.

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now