XIV || They Both

490 21 7

The next day, it was a Sunday, you laid on your bed staring holes into your ceiling.
You'd probably done this all night and morning.
Your mind was blank, your stomach still turning and churning from yesterdays events.

Did they even happen or was it all a dream?

It was just to unreal still to be actually real.. and what made things seem even more unreal to you was the fact that it was Moonbin who confessed first. All the time you told yourself you were the only one having these feelings.
Now you knew that you were sooo freakin wrong.
Now you looked at all the pictures in your room and noticed it, noticed how blind and stupid you had been that you didn't see it. There was this spark, this warmth you hadn't noticed. Everything he did, everything he said seemed to make sense now.
Still there was no way you could believe it, there was no way it hadn't been all a dream.

Your mind just sees all these things but in the same time didn't sees them.

The doorbell ripped you out of your twisted thoughts.

„I'll go." you heard your mother say from outside your room.

‚Does she expect visitors?' you wondered ‚She didn't tell me..'

You stood up from your bed looking outside, to check who it was. You nearly choked out of surprise.

„Oh hello." the tall and certainly very handsome boy said bowing a little by the sight of your mom in front of him.

As he looked up again his eyes found yours and he immediately began to smile his sunny smile he always had spreading across his lips. You stepped a little more out of your room pointing at your mom silently mouthing him a „she knows." hoping he would understand somehow.
To your own surprise he did.

„I.. uh.." he began again, searching for the right words. „I wanted to introduce me again, as the last time wasn't... well... wasn't quite correct..."

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly then bowed again.

„Hello, I'm Moonbin and I'm [y/n]'s boyfriend." He said in the politest way possible.

My mom just laughed and patted his shoulder in a friendly way, which looked quite funny due to her being at least one head smaller than him.

„Finally... I mean, No need for all of this politeness, you can just talk casually to me."

Moonbin smiled at her.

„Thank you, eomonie."

„Now come in and make yourself at home, don't want you to get caught just because of standing outside the door. [y/n] is in hi..." she turned around, spotting you in front of your door watching them.

„Was he there all the time?" she asked Moonbin surprised earning an amused nod.

„Alright." she chuckled, closing the door behind the tall boy. „As I said, feel at home."

He nodded again taking off his shoes and following into the room you had again disappeared into.
He closed the door behind him nearly jumping in surprise as you suddenly trapped him between you and the now closed door, your arms on each side of his head, faces only inches apart.

„These kind of situations are usually my part." Moonbin mumbled quietly bringing his arms slowly around your waste, sending shivers down your spine.

„Cause you know.. works better for me, I'm taller than you." he smirked looking at your feet as you were standing on your tiptoes.

‚That's unfair....'

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now