XX || The Truth He Feared

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[Three days earlier]

„What do you want?"

„The truth."

„So you" Moonbin glared at JinJin. „So you don't believe me either?"

Disappointed he lowered his glare, a cold uncomfortable shiver running down his spine.

„I have nothing to say to you then..."

The troubled boy tried to push past his „friends", but there was no way he could get through their wall of stares. They pierced through him like a thousand needles.

He felt betrayed, betrayed of them all. It hurt.

„The manager wants you to confirm too"

He froze in his desperate tries to run away, anger creeping up inside of him.

„I'm not confirming anything!"

The other members sighed in unison like they were all one unit.

„You're driving us crazy, Moonbin!" MJ said in a tone that was the opposite of his usual.

„Why are you still denying it?" Rocky asked him serious.

Everyone seemed so sure, as if nothing could be proven wrong. As if it was already written down black on white.

„I should be the one going crazy here! I'm denying it because it's just not true... none of it!"

His voice cracked together with the first tear, that escaped the corner of his eye.

„I'm not in a freakin relationship with her!"

„But you're not honest to us either!" JinJin countered, his words like dark thunders.

Anger was now also burning like a small sparking flame inside his eyes.
Moonbin's eyes went wide, his limbs started shaking.


„Moonbin, it's not that we don't want to believe you but..."

„But that's exactly what you're doing right now! You refuse to believe me! Already making a decision without ever having talked to me!" His breathing got faster an heavier. „I thought you were my friends, my family.."

„We are!"

„You are? Then why? Why can't you believe me?!" The now sickly pale boy was shouting now, all emotions bundled inside of him ready to breakthrough.

He couldn't believe all of this. It all overwhelmed him like a frightening avalanche of snow, burying him deeply underneath until there was no space left to breath.

„The last months all you did was to keep secrets from us!"

JinJin's eyes were still piercing. Moonbin had never seen his friend as serious and hurt like that before.

„If it's not the relationship with that girl, than what is it? What do you keep from us then?" MJ asked after JinJin, the sunshine that usually surrounded him, had died out.
Moonbin stayed silent, staring at the ground, not moving not even blinking.

„We really want to believe you. We are one family, but you have to be honest to us." Eunwoo explained.

His voice was soft and the calmest of them all. It sent a warm spark through the others frozen body.

„We all have to be honest to each other." the youngest, Sanha, added, also at the verge of tears.

They were right. It was tearing him apart until Moonbin couldn't hold it anymore. Until he couldn't bare it any longer. He wanted to get rid of this heavy weight that kept pushing him further and further down.

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now