XXI || Serious Talk

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Moonbin never had been nervous when he went to the manager, he was somehow part of the band after all. But he was now, really nervous, ridiculously nervous.
Something seemed odd. It wasn't like him to decide something without asking the members beforehand and he definitely never was the one to spread rumors.

„Ah, Moonbin, it's good to see you. I'm glad you could make it so fast."

The tall idol closed the door behind him silently, then turned back to the manager.

„Why did you want to see me, manager-nim?"

„I wanted to talk to you. Please have a seat." he pointed smiling at the chair in front of his desk. „Are you sure you get enough sleep? Your eyes look very red and also swollen lightly."

Moonbin nodded sitting down as he was told.

„I'm fine.."

„Alright, but make sure you have enough rest, ok? Take care of your wellbeing, don't push yourself too much."

The manager said in a caring way, then sorted his thoughts again.

„What I actually wanted to talk to you about. The reporters won't leave me alone at all as long as you haven't made your statement. I think we should upload your confirmation as soon as possible."

Moonbin nervously gnawed on his bottom lip, not sure what or better how to say it.

„Manager-nim, I'm ..." he looked down a short moment then back up again. „I won't confirm it.."

The manager looked at him in surprise.

„Why not? It's out anyways, no need to deny it anymore." he said chuckling slightly like he was talking to some kind of child that didn't understand what was going on.

„I'm not confirming it" Moonbin repeated his statement from before. „It is not true."

His voice became stronger and more steady than it had been the first time.
The man in front of him sighed, his smile had dropped.

„Look, Moonbin, what's there about it? It doesn't matter if it is true or not anyways. Just look at the benefits you would get from it. You and ASTRO would be a hot topic again. You have a comeback coming up, you need it."

The idol furrowed his brows.

„We need it... benefits... are you joking right now?" Anger welled up inside of him „You mean the benefits Seo Ji would get of it? The hot topic she would become even before her debut? The hot topic ASTRO would become because of it is... is just wrong! They are the wrong reasons! We want to get popular again through our music not relationship scandals! So stop talking about any benefits! They're not our benefits!"

Now even the last bit of kindness had disappeared from the manager's face, leaving behind a death serious almost scary looking man.

„Yes" he answered, his voice was deep and emotionless. „Seoji's benefits for her debut, if that's what you wanted to hear from me. We need a new hit, Moonbin! No.. A Whole new hit group! And this is the perfect opportunity to create a hit group with an instantly trending debut. And it doesn't just stop there. There are two sides to it. You and ASTRO, number one thing searched on the web again! What's so wrong about it? The only thing still left to do to open the gate to a new wave of popularity, is to confirm everything about the relationship or-„

„But I don't want to. It's not ri-!"

„Or I'm sorry to say that I have to cancel all of ASTROs upcoming concert activities." The manager sighed in disappointment. „It's either all or nothing."

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now