XIX || It's Over

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As much as Jeno wanted to run after Jaemin, he couldn't. He didn't know what he should say. Everything that came into his mind, would make everything worse and more difficult, than it already was.
He was his friend, one of his best friends. They knew each other for so long, but he had never thought that Jaemin could actually develop feelings for Jeno. It felt a little bit like his own situation with you.

Struck by the sudden Dejavu he remembered where he initially wanted to go. Exactly, to you. As he was the one in Jaemin's heart, you were the one in his heart.

As the blonde stepped into your room he first didn't even see you anywhere. At least until he spotted you curled up on your bed.

„Hey" he said in a soft and caring voice, sitting next to you on the edge of the bed.

Just seeing you like this already broke his heart a little. It also made the reason he suspected more and more realistic.

He didn't want to be right.

It took you a short moment to recognize who sat on your bed, as only your back was facing him. But it soon became clear and you didn't know what came over you in that moment, that you shot up and flung your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder.
The tears that had dried out, begun falling again, as if being thrown back to THAT day.

„Hey, hey, hey.. don't cry.... what's wrong?" Jeno asked worried and startled at the same time.

His heart increasing it's pace. You kept silent, not able to say anything. He pulled your shivering body close to him. If he was right, it might be one of his last times he could do so.

He didn't want to be right.

The two of you stayed like this for a while, none of you saying anything. The room around you was silent, only your breaths and heartbeats were audible. Some beams of light of the slowly setting sun shone through the window, that separated the cold outside world from your warm and cozy but dark bedroom.

Although it already had been three days you still couldn't really put it into words. It all still hurt so much. Every look at the pictures of him on the wall, pierced another needle through your life giving engine.

‚I just have to be right, there is nothing else possible..' Jeno thought with a sinking heart, as you lay in his arms like this.

He could feel your heartbeat, it was fast, but he was sure that it was not because of him. His eyes glanced over to the photos on the wall than back at you.

He didn't want to be right ... but there was no denying anymore.

He had two options left now:
He could act in favor of his own feelings, pulling you further away from HIM and maybe make room for himself in your heart. It would be his chance, maybe his only chance for his feelings to someday get returned by you.

Or he could act against his own feelings and help you to get back together with HIM.

Jeno didn't really have to think about it, it was a decision that was clear since he entered your room.

‚You're hopeless.... just soooo hopeless, Jeno....' he sighed.

„Did you talk to him already?" he asked.

He had to force the words out of his mouth. His heart tried to fight back. He knew what pain would come upon him, as soon as you would answer him. You would confirm that he was right about everything. He hated even the thought of it.

Surprised you looked up from his shoulder, your cheeks wet, your eyes red and puffy.


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