VII || Recovery

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‚What was wrong with you?'

You weren't the only one asking themself this question.
There was another person that couldn't stop thinking about you, thinking if everything was alright.
Moonbin kept staring at his phone. He had texted you yesterday. Usually you would answer him nearly straight away. As you didn't answer him at all he tried to just brush it off.

‚Everyone has days where they haven't got any time at all. He must be very busy ... yeah that must be it.'

But you didn't answer him the next day either.

The bright display lightened up Moonbin's face in the darkness of his dorm room he shared with his band mate Cha Eunwoo. Sighing he put his phone away and stared holes into the ceiling.
‚He must've been busy for two days then... Calm down Bin, that's totally normal' he told himself or at least he tried.

In reality he started to worry about you, a lot.

„Hey, woo..?"

„What is it, Bin?"

„It's normal when you didn't get an answer from someone you texted.."


„After two days...?"

„Uh.. Yes? Or well, depends on the person and the situation. But actually, if they're just simply really busy then it's totally normal. Sometimes someone sees a message and doesn't have the time to answer, then it's possible that he just accidentally forgets about it. Or he didn't see at all. Why do you ask? Did you annoy someone so much, that he isn't answering you anymore?"

„I didn't annoy anyone..." Moonbin grumbled into his pillow. „I hope..."

More days passed still without any messages, calls or just even live signs of you. It was as if you had disappeared. It troubled Moonbin. It troubled him so much that after a week he couldn't bare it any longer. He was surprised he bared it a whole week.
The feelings mix matched, turned and churned inside of him, he was worried and afraid at the same time. All he could think of was you.
What were you doing?
Was everything alright with you?
Thoughts like these constantly kept crossing his mind.

The next morning he walked up to his leader.

„Hyung, can you do me a favor?"

„Depends on the favor.."

„I really need today and tomorrow off ... There is a .. family emergency. Please."

Moonbin begged bowing down making his Hyung look at him in surprise. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen Moonbin like that before. Also, the last days he wasn't his usual self, he was too quiet. Maybe that proofed that really something wasn't alright. There was just one thing that seemed right to him, even though it required a lot of convincing from him.

„If it's a family emergency you should be there for them. So go, I'll talk to the manager."

„Thanks hyung, you're the best!"

After a quick hug, he hurried outside scrolling through your old messages, searching for something.
You had once compared how far you were apart from each other. There you'd told him your address, exactly what he needed in the moment.

As soon as he reached your apartment he took a deep breath.

„That must be it.. I hope he's there... Please be there."

He knocked on the door impatiently to finally see you again, or so he hoped. The week without anything from you layed heavy on his heart. He even started to question himself if he did something wrong that made you mad at him.
If he was honest, he hoped it was something like that because anything else he could think of would be much worse.

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now