X || Rival

562 23 10

What was going on?

The door to your house stood a gap wide open, enough for you to have a look inside.
You saw the shadows of two persons projected on the wall straight ahead. Judging by the voices you could faintly hear, it were your parents and judging by the boxes it was your father who moved out.
This might be the last thing you wanted to stand next to.
You didn't move, nothing was getting you to step a single foot inside the house. A few minutes past for you to just stand outside unsure what you should do. Yes or no, should you step inside?

For you the answer was no, so you turned away again bringing as much distance as possible between you and your home. You walked through the streets unsure of where to go. But even if you didn't plan it in any way your destination seemed to be always the same, as if an invisible rope was pulling you there.

You found yourself at the entrance of the hideout again, a place to hide from your problems, a place where you met someone special. Unfortunately he was far away from you at that time. A small pout formed on your lips.

All of a sudden you heard some noise coming from the streets behind you. You sneaked up to the entrance again curiously looking around the corner to see what caused the noise, which sounded like a dozen people coming closer.

Indeed you saw a big bubble of people still relatively far away moving slowly closer. It seemed like some kind of fanbubble, because it mostly consisted of girls and in general it looked like they were following something or rather someone.

Your eyes trailed further to the front, searching for the person or persons the bubble was following. You spotted the ‚victim' not far from where you were standing. It was ... probably ... a boy or at least a man. He wore a mask and hood so the only thing you could see underneath it were his eyes and some white strands of short hair. You watched him walking along the sidewalk, cautiously looking behind him to the bubble.

„Looks like he needs some help or he'll never shake off the bubble." you mumbled quietly to yourself.

You knew this kind of situation from your meeting with Moonbin.

It's definitely a celebrity thing.

Your eyes trailed back and forth between the bubble and the boy and as he was about to pass by you and without thinking really, you took the chance to quickly grab his wrist pulling him inside, stepping in front of him to block him out of view.

The two of you remained like this until the bubble had passed by the entrance. After checking if the coast was clear you turned to the boy, who had meanwhile put off his mask.

His face looked somewhat familiar to you, you had seen him before but you weren't sure where. Was he an idol or an actor, you had seen in one of the K Dramas you had watched?

The celebrity looked at you surprised but not in a bad way.
He cleared his voice.

„Thank you." he said, stuttering a bit, which seemed kind of funny to you.

Was he nervous?

„No problem, you looked like you could use some help." You gave him a wide warm smile.

„Are you an idol by any chance?" you asked cause you really didn't know.

He looked like one, but that didn't mean anything.

„Uh..." the boy around your age was taken aback a little, cause usually the people he met before knew him in any way.

„Uhm.. yeah, I'm Jeno ... from NCT Dream."

That's why he seemed so familiar to you. It hasn't been that long yet, that you listened to their new song „Don't need your love"!

„AH, I knew I saw you anywhere before, nice to meet you."

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now