V || I call it Love

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With your ticket in your hand you walked closer to the entrance of the concert hall. On your way you had to pass by the huge line that waited for their turn to go inside after the VIPs, you were a part of. It felt strange just walking by all these people.

‚A VIP ticket..., did you really need to go that far, Bin?'

After you showed your ticket to the security and walked inside, excitement started to fire up inside you. What would it be like to see him and the other members perform? You saw him dance before, but you never heard him sing live nor did you ever saw the rest of Astro in person.
Before you came to the hall you tried to remember their names. You knew there was Eunwoo, Jin Jin, MJ, Sanha, Rocky and of course Moonbin, even though you still had some problems remembering the faces to some names.
The hall filled after you and people, mostly girls, streamed inside. It wasn't that big of a hall, it was one of these, where everyone had his own seat. Due to your VIP ticket your seat was directly in the front, just a small space separating you from the stage.

As soon as the last person was inside the doors closed and the room went dark leaving only the stage brightly lit. Then it was quiet, only some mumbling still remained behind you. The anticipation grew.
Music started to play. You were bad in remembering names and faces but you were unbeatable in remembering songs, so you had no problems recognizing the first song, Starry Sky.

You could already hear voices singing but there was still nobody on stage. They came out one by one at the first real lines.
Eunwoo was the first one to appear on stage and most of the girls around you started cheering and screaming.
Soon after Eunwoo it was Moonbin to appear on stage. It didn't take long that he found you among the rest of the fans. He directly looked at you with his unresistable slender eyes.
You must have been mistaken but it seemed as if he sang the first lines only for you, as if they were meant for you:

As if it was natural, that we met
I got everything, it was perfect

A smile spread across your lips and you were unable to look away, you were drawn to his voice, his figure, his moves.
Everything around you stopped, became unimportant and blurred out. There was just him for you in this moment.
As he had to move on to the other side of the stage it felt as if someone pushed the play button again and dragged you unwillingly back into reality. For a few moments your eyes lingered on him before you also moved on to watch the others get up on stage.

As they went into the first break they'd already performed „Starry Sky" „With You" „너라서" and „Treasure". In the break they chatted a little with the fans but you weren't really able to listen even if you tried. You were distracted with your mind far away.
What on earth was wrong with you?

The concert continued with more „sexy" songs as Jin Jin described it, which made the fans get louder.
„All Night" was the first song, followed by „Role Play" „Always You" „Moonwalk" and „Crazy Sexy Cool". You really liked this bundle of songs, some of your favorite titles were in it and the performance just left you speechless at some parts.

It was close to approaching the last few songs as one of the fans meant during another break, that Eunwoo looks soooo good and well trained.
„Me well trained?" he laughed.

„then you have to see Binnie here!"

With that he moved over to his completely startled fellow member, who was captured by MJ and Jin Jin. Eunwoo pulled off Moonbin's shirt after a small fight with him, exposing a defined, muscular body, you couldn't take your eyes away from.

„Yah! Cha Eunwoo!"

Moonbin desperately tried to get his shirt back. Unfortunately unsuccessful. Giving up he went back to the front of the stage his eyes searching for you in the crowd, also unsuccessful.
Your seat was empty.

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now