XI || Magnet

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„Ok.. I think-" You gave your friends a serious look „I think I'm getting crazy some day.."

Woo and Cheol both raised an eyebrow.

„Thought you were already.. but yeah continue." Cheol joked with a smirk which lead you to send him a venomous look.

„Yesterday I met someone..."

„Wow, really crazy..."

„He's not just anyone..." you continued. „He's an idol... again..."

The eyes of your friends shifted into big full moons.

„You're joking, right?" Woo couldn't really believe your words, it just seemed too unrealistic for him.

„I'm not..."

„Are you some kind of Idol-magnet?"

„Who is it this time?"

You smirked at them, knowing that at least one of them was going to get really excited. Woo loved NCT, not matter which of the dozen Sub Units. He just loved them all.

„His name's Jeno." you said watching Woo's reaction carefully.

„You ... Y-You mean Jeno, NCT Jeno?"

Cheol and you started laughing really hard after you nodded and Woo nearly fainted on the table, being the extreme fanboy he was.

„PLEASE Introduce us, PLEASE I BEG YOU." he whisper screamed.

„Maybe... I just met him myself. Who knows if we even stay in contact at all.. We'll see, I meet him today after school.."

You were met by two huge puppy eyes from Woo after you said that.

„Take me with you, pleeeaaaaseeee." he begged again earning a kick under the table by Cheol.

„Oh calm down already, you crazy fanboy. You'd scare him away immediately if [y/n] would take you with him."

„Than how about an autograph? That would be possible, would it?"

You let out a small amused sigh about how determined he was about it.

„I'll try." you laughed nearly getting hugged over the table.

„Oh, as we're talking about idols already." Cheol began. „And before you ask I know it from my sister - but the birthday of your beloved friend Moonbin is soon."

„His birthday?! When?"

‚What the? Why didn't I know about it? Why didn't he tell me his birthday was during the World Tour?'

„Uhm... If I remember correctly .. uh... in three days?"

‚In three days already? What should I do about it? Gahhhd now I'm really going crazy...!'

After the last class of the day you made your way to the hideout still in thought about the whole birthday problem.
You plopped down on the ground waiting, as you were a little early.

Why didn't Moonbin tell you about it... was it because he didn't want exactly this what was happening at the moment? You worrying about what to do for him, about not being with him on that day, about all of this?

A hand waving in front of your face brought you back to reality, it was Jeno.

„Oh, sorry, I guess I was spaced out...." you mumbled making the other boy chuckle a little.

„It's alright, gladly I was able to save you out of the black hole again." he joked before sitting down next to you.

From a little paper bag he pulled out two cups of milk tea with tapioca pearls and two sweet buns with red bean filling (or your favorite filling).

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