XVI || Only Me

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The air was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife.

„Soooo..." you started awkwardly. „I guess .. or well I think you can't really go home in that rain... and „ you thought for a moment then looked at each one after another. „ ... yeah... so you'll have to stay here over night.."

„But-„ Moonbin tried to interrupt you with wide eyes in Jeno's direction, but you didn't let him.

„I'm sorry but you don't really have a choice here. I won't let you go out in this weather" you demanded with an amused undertone.

And this was what this totally strange situation had evolved into:
You in between three boys. One of them your boyfriend, one just a very good friend and one only there by accident.
This all sounded like a scene of a cringy romance movie to you.

Away from all that strangeness the four of you still managed to make the time go by rather fast and without further incidents. Fortunately you didn't have to talk while watching something on Netflix, otherwise this would have ended differently.
It all had actually worked well ... at least until it was finally so late that none of you could ignore another thing anymore. A serious problem.
Where should all of you sleep in your small apartment?

„So there is my bed, where two could fit in and the couch in the living room for the other two."
It was good that the couch had been in an L-shape so two could sleep there, otherwise there would have been only the floor left.

„Your apartment, so your bed." said Jeno first, then grabbed a scrap piece of paper from the kitchen table you all sat at.

„And your idea is now to randomly pick the others, or what?" Eunwoo asked, curiously looking over the others shoulder, who scribbled enthusiastic on the crinkled white sheet.

„Jep, that's only fair."

„If you say so..." grumbled Moonbin. In his opinion, this was the worst idea Jeno ever had. He didn't want anyone else to sleep next to you, apart from him. Especially not Jeno. Who knows what he would do to you?
But the thing was he couldn't complain about it at all, or your secret would get out. He couldn't risk that.

„Ok .. soo.. three notes. Two with a circle, one with a cross. The one with the cross, is with (y/n). Here take them.."

Jeno handed you the folded notes, which you mixed up behind your back. Then you gave each boy one of them.
They all unfolded theirs with more or less anticipation. Eunwoo was first to show it to the round. He had a circle.

Meanwhile Moonbin sank low in his seat, his eyes piercing through the note.
Jeno on the other hand smiled wider than ever.

This wasn't how it should have ended for Moonbin. You weren't troubled at all at first. You didn't mind, who you shared your room with. It was your naive way of thinking, which wasn't including thinking about the obvious: how HE felt about it.

You only noticed when already lying in your bed, away from him. You could only see him from afar.
He was close but at the same time he wasn't.
Realizing this, you didn't just want to see him. You wanted to feel his warmth. You wanted to feel the softness of his skin. You wanted to smell his sweet scent. And you wanted to fall safely asleep, all snuggled up in his arms.
But there was nothing you could change now.
It was Jeno who got the cross on his note. It was Jeno laying next to you.

You looked over to Moonbin through the open door of your room. He wasn't asleep either.
Although it was dark you could still see a pout on his lips, which made your heart jump but in the wrong direction. It jumped up and then far down.

With the rest of your energy, you sent him a small finger heart before your heavy eyes fell shut.
And shortly after you fell asleep Moonbin did so too. He had been almost 100 percent sure that Jeno was already sleeping and couldn't do anything to you anymore.
But he wasn't.
Jeno was as awake as he had never been before.
Next to you his heart was beating like crazy. Too fast to actually fall asleep.
He was sure if you'd be awake, you could have heard his heart beating in his chest as if it was on the verge of breaking through his rib cage.

Until now he had turned his back to you. But as soon as he turned around face to face with you, the pace of his heart became even more critical.
Was that healthy? Could he die from a heart attack just by laying next to you?
He sure felt like that, seeing your peacefully sleeping form right in front of him.
Through the darkness that filled the room he gazed at your face. He admired every silhouette of your features and felt himself getting drawn to them.
Carefully he stroked over your cheek, feeling your silky soft skin underneath his fingertips. Then his gaze travelled slowly down, starting from your closed calm eyes, over your cute pointy nose, to your soft and rather plump lips. They were parted slightly.
He could have kissed them right there and then, but should he?
Was that right?
It sure wasn't, but ther was this urge inside of his heart, that he couldn't control. It was as if it wanted to tell him that he should use this rare chance. He struggled, deciding back and forth until he found himself slowly moving closer to you and his wish of finally kissing you again became true.

It was short but beautiful.

Looking back at your closed eyes he couldn't find any words that would describe his wish for you to wake up and return his feelings for you.

„I love you, (y/n)." he whispered into the dark turning onto his back again.

Jeno stared at the ceiling above him once more.

„I know it's selfish of me to want this, but please love only me. Please love me back." he added as if making a wish to the stars, something that came from the deepest of his heart.

He closed his eyes too, but they soon shot open again, startled by the buzzing of his phone.

Hey, JenoJam, where the hell are you?

It was Jaemin.

I got into the rain so a friend took me to his place..

He quickly typed back.

What friend? You have friends other than us??!

Jeno stared at his phone display rolling his eyes.

It stopped raining. I..I'll pick you up!

You don't have to though...

But I want to!!

I can't sleep...

He looked to his side where you were sleeping calmly.

‚I probably couldn't sleep anyways, if I stayed here..'

The blonde sighed.

Alright ..

Moonbin was quickly awake again as he heard Jeno shuffling through the apartment gathering all of his stuff.
He didn't bother changing into his own clothes again, after all he needed a reason to see you again.

As he was about to leave, he noticed that someone other than him was awake.
Both boys stared at each other, none of them said a single word, not even a goodbye.
Their looks said it all.
Jeno thought he he had been on the winning side this time, but with him leaving right then, they were tied again.

Actually he hadn't known that he was in in some kind of competition. He had only noticed it in that moment. He noticed that he was in a competition with Moonbin and the prize for the winner was your heart, your love.

Initially Moonnbin thought with confessing to you he had won already, he thought that everything was over.
But now he was sure that nothing was over.
The fight over your heart had just begun.

And? How was it?
I hope you liked it!
Big things are approaching, soooo stay tuned!
Also I'm working on a Halloween special as an extra update this week.
I hope you'll look forward to this too :D
I'll do my best to finish it on time >:3

Wait there's still more!
I'm also planning on a new project right now, which is going in a direction I've never been before!
It's definitely going to be interesting, that's for sure!
Something very different... maybe?
At least I think it's different >:3

Alright enough announcements for today.
Stay tuned and read you next week!
Draven out <3

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now