VIII || Goodbye

464 22 3

You sat down on the ground.
You were too early at the usual spot because you just couldn't wait any longer. Somehow you were excited for what's to come.
What did Moonbin want to tell you all of a sudden? You had hopes, unrealistic ones in your opinion, but still hopes.

The time past, meanwhile you started scrolling through your phone, your head resting in your palm. As you were about to check some of your SNS you heard footsteps drawing closer and soon you saw the person you waited for turning around the corner.

After you spent yesterday the whole day with him you were keen on seeing him more in the future. You wanted to see him as much as possible in the next days and weeks. A week without him just didn't seem complete to you anymore. That's how much he had occupied your heart.

But as you saw him something seemed off. Moonbin didn't smile at all as he walked over to you. You tried to wave at him and sent him the warmest smile you got, but nothing. It was as if a huge rainy cloud was on it's way over to you. What was wrong?

He plopped down next to you, his head falling weak on your shoulder.
You froze for a short moment at his sudden action but waved it off as best as you could to focus fully on his problems not on yours.

„Now it's my turn to ask: What's wrong? Everything alright?" you asked jokingly.

The older one looked at you then fell back down on your shoulder with a loud sigh.

„Nothing is alright.." he exclaimed in a droopy voice.

„Then what makes it not alright? Your hair being brown again?"

He didn't laugh at your joke, making you starting to worry. It wasn't like him to be so down and gloomy. Moonbin usually was a walking Sunshine not a walking rain cloud.

„Ok bad jokes aside, what's wrong, Binnie? What's bothering you so much, that grey clouds already surround you?"

„World tour..." the storm cloud mumbled.


„The world tour is bothering me... they told me yesterday about it after I came back."

„A Worldtour? Isn't that something great? Shouldn't you be really excited about it?"

Now you were confused. Why was he so gloomy about such a huge opportunity? What's there to not like about it?

„I was .... in the beginning..."

„And now? Why aren't you anymore?"

„Cause I realized what it means.."

„What it means? I don't quite understand you there."

„Just think about it" he jumped up from your shoulder looking straight into your eyes sending shivers down your spine.

„Going on a worldtour means being far away, far away from Korea!"

‚and far away from you..' he added in his head.

„And with all the stops and extra events we're doing, I'll probably be away for several months. That's what's bothering me."

Now you understood. It took you long enough because you hadn't thought that far yet. Now that you did, you wanted to forget it again. You didn't want to be separated from him that long. You actually wanted to spent even more time with him and not say goodbye all of a sudden.

„Oh..." was all you managed to get out.

Moonbin eyed you in surprise.

„Oh? Is that all you have to say about it? Are you fine with this?" disappointment laid behind his words.

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن