II || Space Out

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It was about a week later.

Was it really already a week ago? You didn't feel like it.
Ever since that day the days flew by without you really noticing. The only thing that slowed it down was school. And that's exactly where you were in the moment.

You sat in class at your desk near the window. You stared outside not really listening to what the teacher was saying.
The weather seemed nice. The bright sun tickled your nose and all you wanted was to just stand up and leave. Unfortunately there were still three lessons waiting for you after the one you were already enduring.

Your thoughts drifted away from math class to all sorts of other things. Especially one certain other thing or better said one certain someone.
His dark slender eyes, his thin soft lips or his nicely falling hair crossed your mind and as you thought about his beautiful smile you couldn't help but smile yourself. Although you just saw him once in person, Moonbin had taken up all your mind.
You couldn't quite explain it yourself but you were happy about it because it made you forget about other things.

Things that could hurt you.

With your head resting on your arms staring outside the window like that, it was as if you were in some kind of trance.
There was only you, your thoughts and the bright outside.
It was relaxing for a short moment but you were soon brought back to reality.

„Anyone knowing the answer? No one? Then how about ...." The teacher looked around, searching for the perfect victim to make a fool out of themselves.

„How about (y/n). (Y/n), would you mind answering my question?"

You didn't react on the teachers question, simply because you hadn't noticed he was talking to you at all.

„Mr. (Y/n)?" he now raised his voice pulling you out of your trance and back to class.

„What?" you stuttered out.

Everyone was staring at you which led you to becoming a bright shade of red. There was literally no difference between you and a tomato.

„I suggest you get back on following my class rather than admiring the window.."

The school bell rang saving you from anymore trouble. You quickly packed your stuff and ran out for lunch.

With your tray filled with semi tasting food you slumped down at your usual table, your friends joining soon after you.

„Is everything alright? You're not the type of person who's not listening in class. Usually that's my part." Your friend Woo looked at you raising an eyebrow.

„I don't know, I .. uh.. somehow lost track of class..." you said stirring around in your food.

„There had to be something really interesting outside then or why did you lost track?"

You looked down searching your bag for your phone to avoid the question.

„Doesn't matter, just something stupid ...." you only mumbled before checking your phone.
Woo continued to eat his food, his eyebrow rising again as he looked back at you smiling at your phone.
Food suddenly became very uninteresting for you as you saw a text message popping up on your screen.

What's up? I'm bored 🙁




Education is very important!

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