XXII || Best Foes

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[back at your time]

„Thank you" you had said as Jeno left your apartment again.

You didn't say: „Thank you, I'll forget about him and choose you instead."
No. With your two words you said: „Thank you, that you missed your chance.."

At least that was, what swirled around Jeno's head now. He had given up his own feelings, so you could be happy. Seeing your hesitant smile, was enough for him to not regret his decision. It was all he ever wanted.

He knew everything he did was right, but why did it still hurt so much?
Why was all he felt, after the door fell shut behind him, a piercing pain in his chest?
Were you forever gone? Were you forever out of his heart's reach?

He thought back to that night. That night he was so close to you. He felt so happy. And he had hope. Hope you might actually, eventually love him some day. You could have. But he just ended it a few moments ago, without ever telling you about his feelings for you.

„You're hopeless, Jeno" he sighed staring up into the now deep blue evening sky, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

„That one time you should've been selfish for your own good ... for your own happiness.. you weren't... Now it's too late.."

More tears begun to fall. He stopped walking, completely standing still. His breathing became more and more unsteady.

It hurt, it hurt so much.

His hand clutched his shirt where his heart was beneath his ribcage.

„Now I understand how you must have felt about him.." He whispered in a weak and shivering voice.

„I hope now you don't have to suffer anymore.."

The streets were empty and quiet, so quiet, that all you could hear were Jeno's heartbreaking sobs.

He sank down, his legs not able to carry his weight any longer. A cold breeze washed over the curled up and quavering body, leaving goosebumps all over it. There was no warmth left in him that moment. The spark, that was usually all up in his bright eyes, was washed away by streams of salty tears. In front of his inner eye he could see you smiling at him. But instead of making him happy, it shattered his heart even more, knowing that it was dedicated to someone else.

Suddenly Jeno was pulled up from the ice cold ground again by someone. His sight was too blurry from tears to actually be able to make out who it was, who was pulling him up.

The someone hesitantly enclosed Jeno's trembling body in his arms.
It wasn't you, that was the only thing he knew. The person was too tall to be you, he was even taller than Jeno.

Both of them stayed quiet until Jeno's sobs slowly faded.

„Hey.." The person started carefully, after a few moments. „What happened?"

The voice was hesitant and quiet, as if not sure what to do or say. It took Jeno a moment before he realised how familiar the voice sounded to him.

He knew the person. He was someone he couldn't forget. He was the one. The one responsible for his broken heart.


But even knowing that it was him, he stayed quiet, not moving, not pushing him away.
They both didn't like each other but they still comforted the other.
They might hate each other but still would wipe away the others tears and pull him up from the ground.
They could never be best friends but they are and stay best foes, having one thing always in common:

Their love for you.

„It's you..." Jeno grumbled into Moonbins shoulder. „He likes you... only you.. there's no room for me in his heart.."

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now