IV || You're My Secret Hideout

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The past week was far too long for your preference and you were excited to finally see him again. It was true that you texted him almost every day but seeing him in person was different. It felt more real.

You turned around the corner that still separated you from your destination, the place where you would go to to get your mind off of something, the place you let out your feelings and emotions, which bundled up deep inside of you, through dancing.

This place meant a lot to you, especially because you met him there.

He was already there waiting for you and hadn't noticed you as you walked into the backyard. You stood there for a minute just looking at him before you stepped closer to him and put your hands over his eyes from behind.

„Hands up, you're all surrounded." you said in a serious tone.

Moonbin raised his arms chuckling.

„Oh no, what should I do?"

„Any last words?"

Suddenly he took your hands turned you around and pinned them to your back.

„My last words? Nice try!" He meant with a smirk spreading on his lips.

„All right, all right, I surrender!" You laughed and he let go of you.

You smiled at each other, you could feel that you both were excited. At least you were.

„It's nice seeing you again, but tell me, when did your hair turn pink?"

„A week ago ... maybe .. you like it?"

„Yeah you look like the spring in person now, or a flower ... no no wait, like a flamingo! That's it!"

„Of course, just keep laughing."

You ruffled through his hair.

„Don't worry, I think it looks nice on you, Binnie."

„You better do or else you will have a lot of fun looking at that spot on your wall. You remember? I wanted to give you something to hang up there. I didn't forget!"

„Oh no..."

Moonbin turned around to search his backpack for something. He took out a scroll of paper and unrolled it to show it to you.
It was a big poster showing a picture of him.

„You're ridiculous

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„You're ridiculous..." you sighed taking the poster from him to have a closer look.

„What? It's exclusively made by me just for you, no one else owns one! Some people would kill to get their hands on it."

„I'm honored, I guess I have no choice than hanging it up then."

„Correct. By the way I have another special thing for you, but I'll give it to you later. Have to keep up the excitement here!"

All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now