01: The New Idol

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Note: Text in Italic represents the person's thoughts

The trio was exhausted from singing and dancing on stage for three whole hours, but the tiredness could not even compare to how fulfilled they felt seeing the fans scream for them and dance with them. Yaotome Gaku, Tsunashi Ryunosuke, and Nanase Tenn were resting on the couch, waiting for their pink-haired fierce manager, Anesagi, to pick them up.

"You're such a big softy, Tenn." Gaku laughed and teased their centre. "Can't believe you cried exiting the stage."

"Now, now, Gaku. Everyone gets emotional sometimes." Ryuu, dubbed the "sexy beast", was trying to protect Tenn but failed as he couldn't help laughing himself.

"I was NOT crying!" Tenn shouted, his face turning pink. Oh, he did cry alright. After all, the concert they just did was one of the biggest since starting their career.

Gaku and Ryuu both loved to tease Tenn on a daily basis since Tenn was such a sweet little boy to them. Sweet, but deadly. Tenn could easily capture the hearts of the audience with his attractive voice and dance. The three weren't just "business partners". They were friends who supported each other, always and forever. They shared their problems and talked about their secrets over drinks or food, like college students hanging out.

One thing that remained a secret was that Nanase Tenn has a younger twin brother, Nanase Riku. Riku was everything to him. His heart was shattered when Riku left with a certain man years ago. A man named Kujou. Tenn had never met Riku since. Even now, he still worried about his little brother who had a chronic illness.

Riku, I really miss you. I miss you so, so much.


"Today is your big day! Go all out, everyone!" Takanashi Tsumugi smiled widely. The idol group she has been managing was about to step on stage, holding their first outdoor live concert with 3000 guests. The last time they performed here, only 9 guests came.

"Alright everyone, let's give it our best shot." All six members put their hands out in the middle. "PERFECTION!" They shouted with such energy, and they let their hands fly high into the air.

"KYAAAAA IORI!!!!!" The fans started screaming as soon as the IDOLiSH6 centre stepped out onto the stage, waving at them.

The song "Perfection Gimmick" echoed throughout the place. It was a huge success for I6. Tsumugi could not help crying backstage as she watched the boys perform.

"Thank you for coming, everyone! We are....


"And before we sing the last song, we are happy to announce that we will be performing at Music Festa. Hope to see everyone there."

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The air of excitement filled the whole place. IDOLiSH6 had pretty much secured their debut.


A new idol came out of nowhere, gaining popularity so fast that Tsumugi and I6's hard work felt like a joke.


"Oh, did you see the new idol, Kujou Riku? A girl approached her classmates with the picture of a young, red-haired boy on her phone.

"OMG yes! He is SUPER CUTE." One of the girls responded.

"Hmph! You guys are slow. I went to his live two days ago." Another girl said proudly.

"WHHHHAAAT?? How was it!!??!!"

"Oh you guys have NO idea. It was AMAZING! His performance was REALLY powerful. Even more than TRIGGER's! He jumped out in the middle, and the stage was on fire! Not to mention, his voice was THE BEST!!"


-at Takanashi Productions-

"Everyone is talking about this new idol, Kujou Riku." Nikaido Yamato started the topic after their meeting with Takanashi Otoharu, the president.

"Yeah, this could be a problem. He became popular almost overnight." With his hand on his chin, Iori thought hard. Not only was he the centre of I6, he also secretly helped Tsumugi manage the group.

"Apparently, his production agency is very powerful, despite not trying to put their name out there." Tsumugi told everyone what she knew. "They have a lot of connections."

"Kujou Riku, huh?" Mitsuki wondered. "What does he look like?" As soon as Sougo heard that, he took out his phone and searched for Riku's photo, which came up right away. "Here," everyone gathered around Sougo.

"OH! His eyes are very RED." Nagi spoke.

"He doesn't look that awesome to me," Tamaki said while eating his Ousama pudding.

"Tamaki-kun!" Sougo snapped as a warning to Tamaki not to be rude.

"A lot of people said that his concert was very powerful. And on top of that, his voice is incredibly good," said Tsumugi, feeling a little down.

Silence filled the room. After a while, Mitsuki could not stand the gloom. "Well, we just need to do our best, right?" He ran to the door. "Let's practice, everyone! We've got Music Festa coming up!"

"YEAH!" Feeling Mitsuki's energy, the members shouted and followed him to the practice room.


-Two weeks later, at Yaotome Productions-

"This is not looking good at all, president. That boy, Kujou Riku, is gaining so much fame and terribly quickly." Anesagi expressed her concern to Yaotome Sousuke, the president of Yaotome Productions. "At this rate, he is going to surpass TRIGGER, and we have that other idol group to worry about too!" She could hardly stand still.

Sousuke slammed the table hard. "Damn it, that no-name agency. How come they have so many connections?!?" His anger was through the roof.


The three members were chatting happily as they were going out for some late-night Udon after work.

As soon as TRIGGER stepped into the udon shop, they could hear a singing voice coming from the TV. Ryuu and Gaku were talking loudly, but Tenn was bothered by something. "Quiet, you two." Tenn made a 'shhh' sound and walked closer to the shop's TV. Gaku was confused about what was going on. The two followed Tenn anyway.

On the TV, a young boy appeared jumping out from the back of the stage and singing like it was the end of the world. "Ho, that's really good. I wonder who that is." Ryuu spoke in awe. Even Gaku could not hide his amazed face.

Tenn's hands shook. He turned very pale. "T... that... can't be...! That's...!" Tenn was shocked to see a redheaded boy on the TV. It was Riku, his long-lost twin brother.

"Kujou Riku's the name. Remember it well!" Riku shouted at the end of his performance. The audience screamed so loudly that someone could go deaf. That name kept repeating in Tenn's head.

"K... Kujou..." Tenn felt like his whole body had become weak. It did not take long for his knees to flop. Fortunately, Gaku caught him.

"Oi, Tenn, what's wrong? Tenn!"

Everything became blurry around Tenn and the boy passed out.


Hewlo lovely people, Kenar desu~
So you might have already noticed. Trigger members appear more friendly in this story. Tenn is a lot softer, basically a genuine angel (ehehe). Riku is, well, let's not spoil that just yet~ :P
I hope you like this intro kinda thing about how powerful Riku is. Teehee~

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