24: The Swirling Storm

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Warning: Implied sexual content for GakuTenn if you don't like it just skip that. It's pretty small though.

Enjoy! ^^


It rained heavily.

It was a quiet, lonely, and painful evening. As if the clouds could sense the conflict between the once complicated but lovely couple.


A young idol was walking through the heavy rain in his white outfit. Hardly anyone could see him. Not that any sane person would be out there, even with an umbrella.

It was not just any ordinary rain.

It was a storm.

His seemingly lifeless body was walking, one slow step at a time, into the park closest to a certain someone's apartment.


Iori had always been a logical person. However, it did not mean he did not have feelings. What just happened was simply too painful for him to take in at that moment.

He did not want to think about anything. So he kept walking, hoping the hard-hitting rain would wash any sadness away.

As if it was that easy.


A former solo idol breathed heavily with his mouth open. He was way too tired, not too bad physically. He could cope. Mentally, he was exhausted.

He thought he would be crying more when a certain someone left. He was disappointed when, in mere minutes, his tears stopped flowing, leaving him lying on the floor with a dark void in his heart.

It was as if the said heart was no longer there when the boy walked away.

His chest was starting to give him a tight, uncomfortable sensation. It was caused by the storm, obviously. That was what Riku was trying to tell himself.

In reality, the pain from his physical condition was making him think about Iori and not in a selfish way.

Is Iori outside?

Can he get home in this storm?

Will he get sick out there?

Riku slowly pushed himself up. His blank eyes were met with an unfamiliar scene through the window. Everything was white. The boy could not see anything, not even the buildings.

At that moment, lightning struck. It was loud. It looked scary.

And it seemed to have struck something inside the redhead as well.

Riku's eyes widened. Even though he was struggling to catch his breath, he sprang to his feet and went in search of his shoulder bag. He threw his inhaler, medicine and a portable oxygen bottle in before throwing a bag on himself, grabbing the keys and bolting outside.



Iori came to a stop in front of a fountain that was bizarrely working under this weather condition. He stopped crying a while ago. His heart was only thinking about Riku. He could not face the bitter loneliness that was to come. How was he going to return to the I6 dorm? How was he going to be fine at work tomorrow?

How would he go about getting over Riku?

A part of Iori still believed in Riku, which ended up hurting him more. He wanted to think that Riku had always been mentally unstable. He had probably said the line without meaning to. Nevertheless, Iori did not want to keep lying to himself. He had to face the truth like he had always done with every single tough moment in his life.

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