28: My (hidden) Feelings

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A/N: My apologies on how short this chapter is, but it feels right to end it there so I hope you enjoy it anyway. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020!!!!


"A secret idol?"

A high school girl looked at her friend's excited face in surprise. "Yeah, haven't you heard? A new idol from TakaPro is holding a live concert at a large outdoor venue next month." That friend showed her her phone with the advertisement on it.

"I6 is doing the opening act for him?!?" The girl's mouth dropped. "He must be a big deal! Wait..." She tilted her head in confusion. "It doesn't say who he is?"

"That's the point!" The friend beamed. "His identity remains a secret. We won't know until he makes his appearance on stage!" She seemed very excited.

"Whaaat? That's crazy!"


"The whole city is talking about you, Riku-kun" Happy Banri set down two Karaage Chicken Bento boxes on the dining table at Riku's new house. The hungry boy almost ran out of the practice room when he heard the sound of the keys unlocking the door. He wasted no time sitting at the table and began to poke the rice with his chopsticks.

Then he froze on the spot.

Banri sat on the chair opposite Riku. He was about to open his Bento box when he saw the boy's body went still. "Riku-kun, is something wrong??" Banri sweatdropped. When is he going to get used to dealing with this emotionally-unpredictable boy?

"Manager" Riku stared at Banri's face. "Isn't it bad to use IDOLiSH6 to make a name for myself?"

Banri smiled. Even though the boy was unpredictable, he could be sure Riku had a nice nature. "Do not worry, Riku-kun. You are not the only one who benefits from this concert."

Banri continued to smile. Riku blinked twice and tilted his head in confusion.

"You will understand once you see I6 on stage. Now, shall we eat?"


"What's the meaning of this, manager?" Of course, I6, including Iori, were shocked to hear they would be performing at a live concert, but as an opening act for an unknown rival. Their morning practice was once again interrupted by Tsumugi breaking the news.

"I have to say that's a pretty bold move for a newbie." Yamato voiced his opinion early this time.

"Yeah, it's risky." Mitsuki stopped drinking water and joined in. "Not so much for us, but for him."

"I agree," Sougo nodded with a serious look on his face. "Not to sound high and mighty, but our fans will buy tickets to support us. However, once we finish our performance, people could lose interest in the new idol if he fails to live up to their expectations."

"What is the president thinking?" Tsumugi muttered under her breath.

"This is war," Tamaki shouted, raising his right arm high in the air. "We're competing for the spotlight." He was so pumped he sent his jar of Ousama pudding in that hand flying, which landed on the floor, creating a whole mess. "NO MY OUSAMA PUDDING!!!"

"I'll buy you a new one for you to keep that fighting spirit, Yotsuba-san." Iori gave his high school friend a reserved smile.

"OH." Nagi, on the other hand, seemed sad. "I don't want to make an enemy within the agency..." He pressed his index fingers together repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Rokuya-san." Iori turned to Nagi and everyone else in the practice room, his face full of determination. "While I'd like to think of him as an enemy, you don't have to. I only ask for us to go against him like we did to TRIGGER and Kujou Riku at BLACK or WHITE."

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