Prologue (I'm so Original!)

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Spandex sucks.

I mean, it looks absolutely AMAZING, especially when it's on me and the light is shining right. It was a full-on white suit with a shiny gold 'C' on my left boob, like a little pocket. The mask was smooth as hell, perfectly fit my face, was breathable, and pushed my hair out of my eyes.

Literally everything was perfect, except for the fact that the suit gave me an awful wedgie. Like, why did Captain American make fricking Presidential Fitness videos, instead of Superhero-ing 101 clips, that actually showed how to make a suit? I couldn't wear underwear with the costume either, because then it would show lines, and that was just a mess in its own little world.

I kept picking at the butt of my costume awkwardly as I scanned the city from the comfort of some buildings' rooftop. Perfect solitude for the very serious, very awesome new superhero that I was.

"Nice costume," I heard someone say from behind me.

I immediately turned around, and definitely didn't scream. Spider-Man from YouTube stood behind me, crossing his arms. I almost laughed when I saw him in the red hoodie, blue sweats, and red ski mask with goggles. All my worries about looking ridiculous had fizzled out.

"Thanks," I said, smiling. "I'm afraid it's not as lovely as yours, though, Mr. Spider-Boy."

"Spider-Man." He raised his hand out, as if waiting for me to shake it. "I don't know if you're new in town or anything, but I usually sit up here."

"I didn't see your name on it," I said, shaking his hand. "I don't have a name yet. Well, not a superhero name, that is--I definitely have a real actual name."

I began mentally screaming at myself. It was my first week in Queens, and I already was able to embarrass myself in front of a stranger. Honestly though, New York was a nightmare. The first thing that happened after getting out of the family car after a very long road trip was find myself surrounded by mist. I passed out, and woke up on the ceiling of my room.

"I'm thinking of the name Candida, which is Latin for white," I told him. "You know, because of the costume and all."

Spider-Boy shook his head. "That's an immediate no for me."

"What about Fionnlagh?"

My partner just laughed. "That's even worse! You know what? How about you just keep thinking of something, yeah?"

I just nodded, disappointed but not surprised. Right as I stood up to stretch (and hopefully seem more intimidating than Sweatpants Man) I realized that the sun was beginning to set. Tomorrow was the first day of school, and I promised my mom that I'd come home early.

"I gotta go," I said, grabbing my backpack from nearby. "I'm so sorry! It was nice meeting you!"

I stepped off of the building, and willed gravity to be gentle on my weak body. After falling very slowly, I gently landed on the sidewalk, and began running towards my new apartment.

Well, I was running, until I ran into somebody. We both fell to the ground, but when I stood up and brushed myself off, the stranger pushed me down again.

"What the--"

"Get him!" Spider-Boy yelled at me as he swung down to ground level.

A man in all black began running across the road through the busy street, jumping on top of cars and everything. He carried a heavy looking sack on his shoulder.

Wait, was he a robber? Was I supposed to alert someone???

Oh wait, I was that someone.

I ran towards the guy, and tried not to get hit by cars. (That's why you always look for cars before crossing the street, kids!) The man was too fast, and the Spider-Boy had ran out of webs to shoot from his wrist.

I imagined that the area the robber ran towards had a strong gravitational pull. Right in front of him was a brick wall, and I willed him to get smacked into the wall with a heavy, invisible force. It wasn't magic, folks, it was me messing with Physics. Science teachers sure did hate me!

I let go of gravity as Spider-Boy ran over towards the man. The superhero kept slapping his wrists, until a lazy splurt of web fluid came out, and stuck the guy to the wall. Some passenger on the sidewalk was recording it all on his phone, and began cheering.

"Yeah, go Spider-Man!" Another guy yelled from across the street as he began clapping.

"Oh, this is new!" Spider-Man said, looking around.

A small group of people came to see what had happened, and began a warm murmur among themselves. All the energy was drained in me, and I went over to lean against the red and blue superhero.

"Great job, man," I wheezed.

"Eh, I couldn't have done it without you!" he answered. "Are you telekinetic or something, 'cause that was awesome!"

"Yeah, it's something like that," I casually said as I kept breathing heavily. Maybe eating all that junk food from earlier was a bad idea....

"We should partner up sometime," my companion mentioned.

"Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah," I just kind of answered, not really paying attention to what I was saying. "Look, I've gotta go now. School starts tomorrow!"

"School? Where do you go?"

"Midtown School of something-something." I had begun walking away, towards my new neighborhood just a couple blocks down.

"Say hi to my friend Peter, will you?" He said excitedly. "Peter Parker! Brown hair, super funny--you can't miss him."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to give him one more glance. He was definitely strange and not very, uh, superhero-y. He almost couldn't stop getting excited whenever anyone would talk to him, even if it was me. I just stared at him, while he was just standing on the sidewalk next to a robber like an idiot,as people bombarded him with questions.

"Sure do," I said finally. "I'll see you around, Spider-Boy!"

I gave him a quick solute, and began skipping back home. On my way, though, I saw someone wearing a pair of white shorts that looked very comfortable, and would go wonderfully with my incomplete suit.

Maybe those would work with my costume problem....

Hi guys!!
I'm your author, and I am sooooo excited that you're reading this! I bet some of you are wondering, If this is a Peter X Reader, then how come Peter wasn't in the Prologue? Well, I tend to try and make more original stories, and I want you/your character to have great relationships with both sides of Pete, and I thought that this would be fun! If anyone is confused on what just happened, your character/you are an Inhuman with the unique ability to manipulate gravity as you please, and just moved from wherever the heck you actually live. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy the random stuff I put on digital paper, and I'll see you in the first chapter!

*May include swearing
*I will make fun of everything and everyone you love, because I have no soul. Please don't yell at me because I am sensitive, but if you do have a complaint about something I write, do feel free to PM me!
*I have only read the Ms. Marvel comics as well as a lot of Wiki pages on Marvel, so I'm no expert
*Expect a few queer characters, because representation matters!
*For the sake of me personally being female, it will be written as a female, since I don't actually expect anyone to read this. If my readers do grow, however, I will change it to be open to all genders and pronouns!
*(Y/N) has a younger sister, so don't be mean to her!
*I am very salty and VERY sarcastic
*I tend to break the fourth wall a lot

(Y/N) -- Your Name
(L/N) -- Last Name
(E/C) -- Eye Color
(H/C) -- Hair Color

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