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"So I'm thinking that next Saturday, I could sleep over?" Kamala asked me, still scrolling through Tumblr on her phone. "We could rent a movie, have some popcorn, gossip.... I know it's only September, but I heard some spoilers about Stranger Things 2! You know my family doesn't have Netflix, but when it comes out we can watch it together, I'm thinking. And then next Saturday we can rewatch the first season again, and just discuss fan theories."

"I'm not gonna be home next weekend, remember?" I told Kamala for the fifth time that week. I was currently laying on my room's floor while she sat cross-legged on my bed. "I've got the decathlon, genius!"

"Why's it so early in the year?" Kamala asked, then her eyes brightened as she continued to scroll on her phone. "Ooh, there's more Adventure Time content in my feed! That show is so good, and the feels--"

I grabbed a pillow from my floor, and threw it at Kamala's face. Luckily for me, my aim was perfect for once, and it hit her so hard, she smacked her head on the wall. She dropped her phone to grab her head, and I just laughed.

"Why are you like this?" she asked, throwing the pillow weakly back at me.

"Because I enjoy watching other people suffer!" I cackled. "But seriously though, your obsession with fandoms are sad."

"Hey, you used to read fanfic, too!" Kamala complained, falling overdramtically onto my bed's pillow. "Speaking of which, it's good practice to read these before I actually start dating when I'm thirty. Saying my dad doesn't find a husband for me...."

"At least a guy's forced to like you," I told her, raising my brows.

"Flash likes you, doesn't he?"

"He doesn't count," I immediately shut down. "We don't talk about him in this household."

"You haven't told him no yet, though," Kamala reminded me.

"I've been busy," I replied, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Yeah, busy being all cool and going to Senior parties and stuff," Kamala huffed, blowing hair out of her face. "What's it like, having this freedom to being able to talk to those of the opposite sex without having an older brother up in your business all the time?"

"Your brother's not that bad!" I replied. "He's the one who convinced your parents that you could stay over, remember?"

Kamala just sighed, and stared out of my room's window. It was a fairly warm Saturday, so I left it open just a crack. A warm breeze drifted through, blowing Kamala's thick, black hair out of her face. Her eyes seemed to harden as she stared out into the blue sky.

"We should sneak out," Kamala said after a bit. "Climb out the window and leave."

"In the middle of the day?" I asked. "Why don't we just leave out the front door?"

"Because that isn't as fun!" Kamala whined. "Come on, (Y/N)! This'll probably be the last time I'm out of my parents' field of vision for more than an hour."

"Then maybe you should stop doing risky things to get in trouble," I mumbled under my breath.

Kamala clasped her hands together, and gave me puppy eyes. "Pleeeeeease?"

I sighed, knowing I was probably going to roll an ankle and regret the whole thing. "Fine," I said. "Let's sneak out for a bit."

Kamala cheered, and slid my window open wider. She jumped down onto the fire escape just below the window, and waited for me to do the same. I waddled out, and silently wished I could have used my powers to just float down like the lazy person I was. Instead, I just followed Kamala as she ran down the escape stairs with a bright white smile on her face.

A Dynamic Duet (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now