The Hospital

118 5 45

(Mo/N): Name of a motherly figure, or whoever your mom is

Kamala's limousine driver was amazing. Sure, his language was super colorful, but he knew how to get to places quickly without getting caught by the police. Everything he did was illegal, but he knew how to hide his dirty actions, which really shouldn't be something that impressed me since I was an Almost-Avenger, but it was still pretty cool. Grunkle Stan would have been proud. Speaking of which....

"Did Alex Hirsch ever do another season of Gravity Falls?" I asked Kamala, would just ended up shaking her head.

"He choked on a piece of cake during an animation convention and died," Kamala explained. "So even if he wanted to, he couldn't."

"Oh, well that's a shame."

We arrived at St. Mark's Hospital in ten minutes tops. Kamala had wished me good luck, and promised to keep in touch. However, she had to leave for her flight back to LA, and her limo was gone in a flash.

I ran into the hospital, not really knowing what to expect. In the full almost-two years that I had been living in Queens, I had never once been to St. Marks. It really did say a lot about me, since it meant I never saw my mom at work. However, my family always saw this as a great thing, since it meant I wasn't dumb enough to injure myself so badly that I would end up hospitalized. When I got hurt, I had SHIELD patch me up, but my parents obviously were not aware of that.

"Hi, how do I contact a nurse working here?" I asked the Front Desk Lady. She just raised a thin, pencil-drawn eyebrow up at me, and looked me down curiously.

"Who do you need to contact?" She asked.

"(Mo/N) (L/N), please!" I requested. "She works on the fourth floor, I think."

The lady nodded, and began typing things up on the computer. She did a series of things that did nothing but confuse me, so I just gave up watching her, and sat down on a sofa nearby.

"What do you want me to tell her?" Front Desk Lady asked, currently on the phone.

"Tell her that her daughter's here and needs her help," I said before grabbing a magazine.

The Front Desk Lady mumbled into her phone, but I decided to ignore it. My nerves were awful at the moment, and I just needed to focus on one thing at a time. Poor Peter had some weird superpower that gave him full body chills everytime something bad was going to happen, which really must suck. So really, it was Super Anxiety, except it meant that he got goosebumps on his arms quite often.

Right, the magazine.

I tried to read it, but I just couldn't focus on the words. Jojo Aiwa tried to conquer Mexico last month, and she had created hair bows that weigh around twenty pounds. Her picture was as horrifying as the news article about her. All that was left of her hair was a tiny little patch on the back of her head like the Genie in Aladdin.

Also, according to the magazine I was reading, Adelle had decided that she was too impatient to release albums on important birthyears. Next week, she was going to be releasing her new album: Age is a Construct; Stop Saying I'm Old.

I began to wonder if Carlos and Cecil ever got married in Night Vale.... I was going to have to catch up on five years worth of Night Vale episodes.


I looked up, and my heart broke immediately.

In 2017, Mom only had a couple gray stands of hair, which she would dye over. It seems that now she must have completely given that up. Her hair was all Salt and Peppery now, which only meant the last five years must have affected her badly.

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