Battle in New York

137 9 56

Field trips are the bomb, man! They help relax kids, and are actually very important for teens to attend, even if they don't realize it. Field trips allow students to learn through hands-on experiences, and gets them out of the house. In this essay, I--

"Puppy!" I cheered, pointing out the window at the lady walking her dog. "He's so cute!"

"That's a good boy right there," Peter noted, not bothering to take his arm off of my shoulders. I didn't mind, so it was perfectly fine with me.

"I wish I could pet it," I complained, pressing my face to the glass. "I will die for that dog!"

"Wouldn't you die for any dog?" Peter asked.

He wasn't wrong. As much as I loved him, I would have to choose a puppy over him any time of day, every day of the week. Especially the Pug puppy outside of the bus, with the squishy face and its pink tongue sticking out. I would name him Bentham and make him wear wittle tophats and we would be friends forever. I told Peter all of this, too, and he just laughed.

"I'm super excited for this field trip," I told Peter.

"You've been saying that all week," Peter replied. "I feel like you have everything planned, too."

"I'm forcing you to take a lot of pictures with me," I instructed. "And I'll figure out a way to print them out to hang up next to my Bobby Singer autograph where it will be treasured for the rest of my life. Being a normal teenager is really fun."

"I miss the action on the streets," Peter complained softly.

"The dangerous action on the streets," I reminded him. "I don't want my prom date dead, okay? After school's over, you can go ahead and start doing shady stuff again. It's a lot easier now that your aunt knows about it. She was a lot more chill with it than I thought she'd be."

"You should have heard her when I first told Aunt May," Peter snorted. "You don't know true fear until you experience May's wrath."

I whistled, and leaned onto Peter. Betty was a couple rows ahead of us, and she took out her phone for a picture. I winked at the camera, and she immediately sent me the photo. She was possibly one of the best wingmen I've ever had, and was super supportive of Peter and I. The photo turned out well, and I was about to show it to Peter when he sat up a bit.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking out the window to find what Peter was concerned about.

Was that a giant donut in the sky?

My stomach dropped to my feet, and I immediately grabbed onto the silver bracelet on my wrist. It connected to my Eurus suit, but I never had to activate it before. Peter and I wanted to take a break from it all until school was over. We didn't need this.

"Can we go stop that?" Peter asked me.

"I don't think we really have a choice," I said, still staring at the ship. When was the last time aliens attacked New York? I must have been tiny back then.

Peter tapped on Ned's shoulder, who was sitting in the seat in front of us. He took an ear bud out to look back at Peter and I.

"Ned, I need you to cause a distraction," Peter whispered to him, gesturing out the window.

When Ned looked out, he immediately began to panic, and yelled: "We're all gonna die!"

Everyone scrambled over to Ned's seat to look out his window in a panic. Yep, that would definitely work as a distraction! I would have to give Ned a Scooby Snack for that later.

Peter flicked his wrist at the emergency exit, and pulled it open. Of course he brought his website shooters! It was like asking Katie not to bring her tablet in the car. She would rather die than be apart from it!

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