Physical Edumacational

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P.E. was created to keep American children fit and healthy, which resulted in muscular strength going up, but emotional strength plummeting down.

Fancy schools in New York still thought it was the 1980's, and forced us to wear uniforms. You heard that right, ladies and gentlemen! Uniforms in P.E.! That wonderful outfit consisted of yellow gym shorts (unisex) with navy shirts that had our school's logo (unisex and never came in the right size)! Some people could pull it off, and surprise surprise, I wasn't one of those people.

At Midtown Tech, I only knew roughly twenty students. This small list mainly consisted of DECA kids and people I've had to partner with before, so my social circle was small. So technically speaking, it shouldn't have been impressive that all twenty people I knew, just so happened to be in that very P.E. class! It was like some big event was supposed to happen or something.

"You're the new kid, huh?" The coach asked me.

"Yeah, uh, I was transferred because of-"

The coach just waved me off and said: "I don't care why you're here, as long as you participate."

Okay, that was way too easy. I already had memorized a fake two-minute backstory on why I was transferred three weeks into the school year, not even including that it was now a Thursday as well. It was almost disappointing that the Coach didn't want to know why I was there. Way to make the students feel important!

Everyone began clumping over towards the bleachers, so I followed. Out of the twenty people I knew, I felt fairly comfortable with, like, fourteen of them, which was good. Even Peter and Ned were there, which was amazing for me, since I had peeps to sit with. Saying they would let me sit with them. Which they would, right? Right?

"Hey, guys!" I said, waving over towards them and sitting next to Peter. "Mind if I sit here?"

"No!" Peter said, "I don't mind. Ned, do you mind?"


"Okay, cool," I mumbled, and tried not to manspread in short shorts.


I turned behind me to see who it was, and Flash Thompson gave me a shocked look. His whole face slowly turned red, and I just awkwardly waved at him. It wasn't like he was my best buddy (that spot was reserved for Peter, and Kamala who wasn't in that class, surprisingly) and I never talked to him unless it was mandatory. We had English together, I believed, but he only slept through that class.

"Hey, Flash," I said, trying not to sound surprised.

Flash scrambled to get over the bleachers, and sat beside me. It might have been because I had never been more than ten feet away from him, but he seemed awfully sweaty and weird. Then again, every teenage dude was, so it wasn't really saying much.

"Have you always had this class?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

"No, I was transferred because of some chick in my old class tried to kill me with a pair of scissors," I lied.

Flash gasped, as if it was the most shocking piece of news he had ever heard. I mean, I was pretty great at making up excuses, and I had my whole speech memorized. Sure, I didn't expect to tell Flash my story of all people, but he would have to do.

"That's awful!" Flash said, actually sounding concerned. "Why did she do it? Who was she?"

I noticed he spoke really quickly, like a child trying to get every bit of energy out. It was normal for New Yorkers to always talk quickly, because none of them had any chill, but Flash was bad. It was cool knowing that he seemed so interested, but he seriously needed to take a chill pill.

A Dynamic Duet (Peter Parker X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt