The Drive-In

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This chapter will include songs from the good ole days of Disney Channel, and if you don't know any of them, then I know you're truly a youngin' and I feel sorry for you. You really did miss out on one of Disney Channel's best golden ages. I'm not putting links to the videos, since the song titles are in the chapter, but if you don't know the songs, then go have a listen!
(F/S): Favorite Show

Dad kissed Katie's forehead, and messed up my hair. Even with the smile on his face, he seemed tired, and sad that he had to go back to work. He didn't even get to stay with us that long (only four days), but his company wanted him back. His suitcase seemed heavier than last time, which meant he would be gone longer.

"It's only six weeks," Dad reassured Katie. "I'll be back before you could even miss me, Kittie Kat!" He turned to me. "You sure you don't want a ride? The drive-in isn't too far from the airport."

"Liz said she didn't mind," I reassured him. "There's only gonna be, like, five of us."

"No alcohol?"

"No alcohol."

"No boys?"

"Only Dia's boyfriend," I said, smiling from the familiarity of the list.

"No fun?"

"No fun," I repeated, and Dad came me an actual grin that time.

"Good," he said. "I'll see you girls in six weeks, okay?"

Katie gave him one last hug, before he opened the door. She always became so sad when he left, that it was actually heartbreaking. At least mom was coming home early, so Katie wouldn't be alone for too long.

Dad closed the door, right as my phone buzzed. Dia texted, saying she was on her way, and I noticed Katie slump a bit.

"What's wrong, Kit Kat?" I asked, using the nickname she hated, hoping it would cheer her up a bit.

"You're always too busy for me!" She complained. "And it seems like you keep almost-dying each time."

"Dying?" I repeated, a bit confused. "Since when have I been in danger?"

"You snuck out with Kamala that one time," Katie explained, "and then you were on the news fighting that bad guy. And there was that time in Washington, when--"

"I wasn't on the news!" I said, a bit shocked.

"Yeah, you were! You're that superhero girl! Euro!"

"How the heck did you know it was me?"

Katie gave me a dead stare, as if she was looking into the camera like she was in The Office. "Of course it was you," she said. "You were wearing your ugly (F/S) shirt that you got at a convention two years ago. Only you have the audacity to wear it in public. Am I wrong?"

I was quiet for a moment. ".....No."

Katie nodded, and said: "That's what I thought. Now go have fun with your friends."

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It was a fricking birthday party. Dia didn't mention that Liz was going out to see La La Land at a drive-in movie theater because she was finally turning eighteen. I didn't even realize it was her birthday until Dia parked in Liz's driveway, where golden helium balloons floated lazily on the porch. Liz opened the door for us with a little tiara that said 'Birthday Girl' on it, that at most only costed ten dollars.

"Dia! (Y/N)! It's great to see you guys!" Liz said excitedly. "Come in, come in!"

Betty was already there, and was laughing about something with who I assumed was Liz's mom. Liz's dad pulled Liz over to talk to her about a truck, and Betty waved for us to join.

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