The Avengers Initiative

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The decathlon trophy stood in the center of the table, and Abe was given the task to make sure Flash never touches it. This meant he was having to slap Flash's hand off every five seconds, which was hilarious for me to watch.

I sat at the end of the table with Peter, one hand delicately laced into his. Neither of us really knew where this was going, but we agreed there was something between us.

For the first time ever, Betty wasn't chatty. There was an empty seat beside her, which I knew was supposed to be for Liz. I didn't know the full story, but Mr. Toomes was caught by Spider-Man, and he was going to be put on trial for it. Poor Liz was moving across the country to sad and humid Oregon, so her and her mom wouldn't have to see the trial.

I didn't even get to see Liz after everything happened.

Or Dia for that matter. I had no clue where she was, but SHIELD did say they were on the lookout for her. Talking about her as if she was a criminal was the weirdest thing, because this was the Dia that had scholarships to fancy colleges so she could fulfill her dream as a veterinarian.

It shouldn't have taken this long for them to find her, especially when Maria made me send in pictures of Dia to them.

Mr. Harrington walked into the room, only to grab the trophy and walk out. After a few seconds, he came back in with trophy in hand, presenting it to us as if he had had it the whole time, and it wasn't MJ who brought it in. (Mr. Harrington actually left it on the bus for MJ to find later on, when she was looking for things that people might have left behind.) Our teacher must have thought he was so funny to reintroduce us to a trophy we already knew we won.

"Congratulations, decathlon national champions!" Mr. Harringtin said.

I let go of Peter's hand to applaud with everyone else. Some people whooped and hollered, but I was too tired to do anything vigorous. Peter snuck into my room the other night near one in the morning to explain everything that happened during the Homecoming dance. That meant I was running on five hours of sleep all day! Yay!

"I'm gonna have to put this in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now, we're keeping it here," Mr. Harrington explained. "I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain this year." He scanned the line of eager faces with a tired smile. "So I'm appointing Michelle."

MJ looked surprised, but took in the applause that she got. I clapped a bit, but made sure to give her my signature thumbs-up, which she returned. She leaned forward in her chair when everyone quieted down, and after saying thank you, she added: "My friend call me MJ."

"I thought you didn't have friends," said Ned.

MJ gave him a confused look, and as a response, she said, "I don't."

Ouch, but whatever. I was about to tell MJ I was offended, but a lady from the office came into the library to talk to Mr. Harrington. She handed him a note and quickly left.

"Looks like Miss (L/N) won't be able to finish the meeting with us," Mr. Harrington said, handing me the slip. "I hope your doctor's appointment goes well. Looks like your mom is meeting you outside."

That was what the note said. In fancy handwriting, I was excused from after school activities to meet a Dr. Owens, who I was positive I had never met in my life. Plus, my mom had work all day. I knew it couldn't have been a mistake, but it was strange that I was getting taken out of school for this.

A couple people waved me goodbye as I left. I just stared at the note as I walked out of the library. Abe, who was defenitely my biggest fan, yelled that he would miss me, despite the fact that we had early morning class together that next day. He really was amazing!

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