I Didn't Die

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I woke up at the pearly gates of Heaven. An old man stood there with shiny, gold aviators and a thin gray mustache. He almost looked like J.J. Jameson, except richer, as if he had just sold his company to Disney. I felt like I'd seen him before as a school bus driver for Midtown Tech, or a delivery guy, or maybe even a janitor at that museum hosting Steve Rogers' stuff. Was this God?

I was just kidding, that definitely didn't happen. My imagination was on point, though!

I woke up in a cold sweater on a bed that was not my own. Sadly enough, the hospital bed was much more comfortable than the bed I had at home. However, the room wasn't as friendly as the one I had back in Queens. If Spider-Man really took me to Tony Stark's place, then Tony really didn't care much for hospitality.

It was an okay room. Brightly lit with a little table and a large vase of sunflowers. However, there were no windows, and the walls were just plain white. Plus, I knew I couldn't be at a normal hospital, either, because there was a one way mirror-window filling up the wall right across from me. I could only see my reflection, but I had a strange feeling I was being watched from the other side.

Oh, it must be so much fun watching the Astounding Eurus sleep for who knows how long! (The flowers were nice, but a clock would have been nicer.)

I slowly pushed myself to sit up, then realized I was no longer in my costume anymore. Instead, my bruised body was dressed in a gross hospital gown, with the SHIELD logo on it. My mask, I soon realized, was also gone, meaning I was completely exposed to everyone as (Y/N) (L/N).

The door to the room opened, and Maria Hill came in. Well, she didn't really come in, as she did keep the door opened. I was wondering why, when a taller, much more intimidating looking dude came in. 'How was he intimidating?' One might ask themselves. Well, this dude was at least six-foot something in a long, black trenchcoat, and oh, I dunno, a FREAKING EYEPATCH. I didn't know if I should have been scared or in awe of this man.

"Good evening, (L/N)," the man said, almost strutting into the room. "Do you know who I am?"

"A pirate?" I asked, gesturing towards the eye patch.

"Good guess, but no. My name is Fury, and you will only call me Fury. No Mister, Sir, or Lord, although it is a thoughtful title," the man said while striding across the room. "Do you know where you are?"

"Inside the SHIELD base?" I guessed.

"Right in the center."

Eh, I kinda expected that.

"How long have I been asleep?" I questioned, suddenly remembering that my mom probably didn't know where I was.

Fury (weird name, by the way) checked his watch, and said: "Seven hours. It is 8:59 on the dot."

Oh, good! If I ran really quickly, I could get back home without freaking my mom out too badly. Usually she was never home, so Katie would check on me around 9:30 to tell me goodnight. Even with the door locked, she would always find a way in, and she'd immediately call mom on the home phone, telling her I ran away and all that jazz if I wasn't there. Yhis basically meant I was always home at 9:30, even if it meant I had to go back to patrol duty afterwards. Surprisingly enough, I did care about my sister!

Without thinking, I attempted to stand up and out of the bed. My knees gave out again, and Maria not only caught me, but also put me back on the bed. Maybe getting back home in thirty minutes was going to be much harder than I thought.

"You're not leaving until you get a full checkup," Fury told me.

"How long's that gonna take?" I asked. "My mom will kill me if I'm not home by 9:30. I have to tuck in my sister, Katie, or else."

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