Homecoming! (Pt. 3)

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I did a little twirl as my mom clapped excitedly. It was the first time I had put the dress on since I bought it two days ago, but it felt great! Strange enough, it was very comfortable and cute, which should have been impossible. My mom lended me her old leather bomber jacket to wear over it, which smelled like campfire smoke and fragrant perfume.

"I don't understand why you chose to wear that gross jacket!" Mom chuckled, grabbing her camera. "I only wore it camping, so it's all musty and gross."

"Eh, I think it looks great!" I said, pulling the jacket onto my body.

The last few nights in Queens had been a bit chilly, and I wanted to have a jacket to wear there. I knew I'd probably end up getting sweaty and hot in it later, so I planned to drop it off at my locker before actually going to the dance floor.

Even if I only had thirty minutes to get ready (I took a little nap after the fight with the Montagues which my mom DEFINITELY didn't know about), I was prepared!

I wasn't planning on wearing makeup, but Ryan gave me a nasty bruise when he was beating the crap out of me earlier. I didn't want my mom or Peter to find out about it, so I covered up the bruised cheek and black eye with heavy foundation, which I then had to blend to the rest of my face. I ended up also wearing eyeshadow, mascara, and a bit of lip gloss in the end, which I actually didn't hate too badly.

"Doesn't she look beautiful, Peter?" Mom said, taking a picture of me, even though I wasn't looking at her.

Peter smiled wistfully, saying: "She looks.... amazing." He snapped out of dreamy glance, and handed me a boxed up corsage. "I got this for you, by the way."

"Thanks," I answered, taking the flowers out.

They were a mix of white and blue flowers that were just a shade lighter than the dress, but they were still very pretty. Luckily for me, the corsage was the type you wear on your wrist, so I slipped it on like a bracelet, and showed it off to Katie, who just rolled her eyes. I felt super pretty and awesome, and whoever said that those two adjectives didn't go together could suck my toes. I was a Disney Princess, suckers!

"You wouldn't mind if I took a few pictures, would you?" Mom asked Peter.

"No! No, of course not," Peter answered in the awkward way he always did. He really was amazing....

I waved for him to stand by me, where we both smiled at the camera. Mom kept having to retake pictures because they would come out "too blurry", while Katie kept making kissy faces at us. All in all, it was the perfect way to start a school dance experience! There was nothing like being embarrassed by your family in front of a guy you really really like!

"Okay, I think you've taken enough pictures," I finally told Mom. "One of them's gotta turn out right. Yeah?"

Mom gave her camera a disappointed look. "I think there's something weird with the lenses," she said. "It makes it look like you've got a black eye-"

"Okay, let's go!" I interrupted, running over towards the front door to open it. "We don't want to be too late
Right, Peter?"

Peter nodded. "Uh, yeah, right now seems like a good time to go."

Mom sighed, and put the bulky camera back onto the kitchen table. I grabbed her car keys on the way out the door, and pulled Peter with me down the stairs. If I had a car of my own, I easily would have just driven us there myself, but alas, superhero-ing didn't exactly pay well. Or, like, at all.

Peter and I sat in the back of the car, while my mom got ready to drive. The dance had started thirty minutes ago, which meant we would be fashionably late, just like it was planned. For the first time in my life, I didn't have to worry or stress. I could just relax, and be a normal teenager for once.

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