Nerd Testing 101

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I woke up with twice as many regrets as I did the night before. MJ had somehow gotten into the hotel room perfectly fine, and was asleep in the bed next to mine. My alarm woke me up, and I obviously pressed the snooze button.

Everything the night before was fine, until fricking Kara told me to go ask out Peter during the Decathlon competition. She said that if I didn't do it then, I would have to ask him out in front of the whole team afterwards, including Flash and Liz and Ned and everyone else who would definitely make fun of me for it when he rejects me.

"You've got nothing to lose!" Kara said cheerfully in the pool.

"I have a lot to loose, actually," I had told her. "Peter wouldn't want to be my friend, plus I could offend someone on the team by asking, or-"

"Literally everyone wants you two to get together," Kara said flatly. She turned to Abe, who was having a water fight with someone else. "Abe!" she said. "(Y/N) and Peter should date, yeah?"

"Oh, definitely!"

Kara turned back to me with a friendly smile on her face. "See! I told you."

That was the night before, when I was tired and the only thing that kept me awake was the candy bars Liz stole.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on the hotel door, saying MJ and I had twenty minutes until we would leave to go get breakfast. We were all eating out before the big competition, to make sure we all actually eat. I thought it was a great idea, despite the fact that it meant getting up earlier than needed.

Somehow, I got out of bed and woke up MJ. I changed into jeans and a semi-nice shirt, putting my yellow jacket on when I was finally ready.

"Let's go," MJ said, opening the door for me.

I grabbed the hotel key before leaving, and followed MJ out. We walked down to Liz's room, where everyone else was waiting. They all seemed tired, but a positive buzz was going around, which was nice. Peter wasn't there, sadly enough. Kara was, however, and kept trying to catch my eye.

"Ned, Peter," Sophie said, knocking on their hotel door. "We're gonna be late. Come on, let's go!"

"Okay, hold on," Ned said.

He came out of the hotel without Peter.

"Where's Pete?" I asked, and Kara gave me a smug look, which I ignored.

"Uhh, he's..... sick," Ned said slowly. "He said he was going out this morning to go find some water, but he hasn't come back."

I gave MJ a worried look, but she seemed fine. Oh, you know, it wasn't like my other best friend went missing. Seriously though, Ned was a horrible liar, and he obviously knew where Peter really was.

"Should we wait for him?" Liz asked Ned.

Ned shrugged, and smiled awkwardly. "He'll probably catch up. It'll be fine!"

I was betting he was doing something stupid and wouldn't show up.

"Okay," Liz nodded. "Let's all go eat, then!"

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"We have now entered sudden death," the moderator announced into her microphone.

This was it. The last couple of weeks at school had been about hard studying; learning random facts about everything. The other team had the Music category in the bag, but we slaughtered them in English and Math. If there had been a score, I had already lost it in the heat of the game.

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