Homecoming! (Pt. 1)

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As most people already know, Homecoming is often celebrated throughout the entire day. It's always scheduled for Saturdays, so happy couples could go on dates, or so friends could take pictures of their cute, sparkly dresses. I had planned to go see a live show with MJ, but that theater unexpectedly exploded the day before. No one really knew how it happened, but it was now in smithereens as Theatre Stans tried to take as much rubbage with them as possible. At least it wasn't a Broadway theater, otherwise the theater kids would have gone bananas.

"You didn't have anything to do with that theater blowing up, right?" I asked Peter while facetiming him.

"I don't think so, no," Peter answered. "And I don't think it was the Avengers, either. Happy probably would have told me about it."

"For a guy with such a cheerful nickname, he sure seems grumpy," I said, which made Peter laugh.

Mom came into my room, and laid my homecoming dress out. She somehow was able to get the day off today, and decided to spend her precious time ironing my dress. She also offered to take me to a salon, but I politely refused, and found myself something else to do. I loved my mom, but having people do my nails and gossip was my personal Hell.

"Who are you talking to?" Mom asked.

"Peter," I answered, staring at the cooling dress.

"Oh!" Mom said pleasantly. "Well, tell him I said hi!"

She left the room, and began to whistle something old as she left. Knowing her, she probably got a song stuck in her head, and would have to listen to it multiple times before she was satisfied. I hoped it wasn't something bad, like most of the 70's. The Beatles were good, although-- nope, they were the 60's, so never mind.

"My mom said hi," I reported to Peter.

At that moment, I got a text from Dia, saying she was outside my apartment complex. She had asked me a while ago if I wanted to join her for a day out in Brooklyn, which I had to refuse to because of MJ. However, since the theater blew up and everything, I asked if I could still go out with her.

"Dia's here, I gotta go," I explained to Peter, standing up and grabbing a bag with my wallet in it. "See you tonight?"

"Yeah, it sounds like a plan!" Peter responded. "Have fun!"

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Dia was driving her little yellow Bug down the street. Some weird pop song was playing on the radio, but it was turned down too low for me to actually pay attention to it. Dia seemed on edge, somehow, and kept nervously glancing behind her. At first, I assumed she was just a careful driver, but I had seen her drive with a cool head before.

"Isn't Brooklyn, like, the opposite way that we're driving?" I asked a bit nervously.

Something was definitely wrong, but I felt stupid to ask. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she was a Senior? Was this normal Senior behavior, or had she suddenly gone a bit crazy? She almost reminded me of Joyce Byers from Stranger Things if, you know, she wasn't a mother and didn't have a missing child (I didn't think).

"Hey, are you okay?" I finally asked. "You seemed a bit freaked out. Do we need to stop the car? Because I can drive if you want. I mean, I don't have a license, but we won't get caught I don't think."

Dia kept her eyes on the road, and ignored my joke. She was never one to not laugh at dumb jokes!

Even if she was a bit crazy, she looked perfectly fine; wasn't pasty white or sick or anything. Maybe I was just freaking myself out. I was still stressed from the fact that the theater blew up, and no one knew why.

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