I T.P. the White House

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After weeks of hard work, DECA was finally ready to go to Washington D.C.! I thought all of my stress would be lifted off of my shoulders after Nathaniel was gone, but then Peter dropped out of DECA and Marching Band, plus Spider-Man stopped swinging over Queens. That wasn't even mentioning that fact that Flash kept acting butt-hurt that I told him I wasn't going to Hoco with him, so he started telling people I was "madly in love with Penis Parker".

Teenagers sucked.

Well, MJ was fine. She was amazingly weird, actually. Not Ned or Peter weird, but she had her own thing going that made you nervous laugh and hope she didn't secretly hate you deep down. Plus, she was such a bookworm, and would occasionally let me borrow books that she didn't really care about. It was a lot of poetry, if anyone could believe that.

We all stood in a line, while our teacher was telling us about safety while driving from New York to Washington D.C.. All of us had to get up early for the bus, and even Liz brought a bit of coffee to wake her up. At least we could wear whatever we want, as long as we kept the yellow Midtown jackets with us. This meant I was wearing leggings with the comfiest shirt I owned.

"Excited for the trip?" I asked MJ, trying to sound excited. I was excited, but I really, really wanted to sleep at the moment.

MJ had her nose stuck in a new book, and took a while to respond. But when she did she just said: "Uh, yeah."

I hated to say it, but it was going to be nice to get away from Queens. I loved the people and the weird smells, but I needed a vacation. Every stolen purse and mugger made me slowly start thinking about superhero retirement. Spider-Man was no help at all, either, and seemed busy every time he was out. In fact, he rarely swung by at all anymore, and I began to question when he was just gonna leave me forever.

"Are you gonna go swimming?" I asked MJ.

She gave me a disgusted look, scrunching up her nose. "Of course not! Those motel pools are disgusting."

"Well, suit yourself then."

"Hey, it's Peter!" Abe announced out of the blue.

I turned to see Peter, and just sighed. As lovely as it was to see him, I was confused on why he was there. He seemed very satisfied with himself when he quit only a couple days before comp after all. If he was so intent with having nothing to do with the Decathlon, the why the howdy heckidy hell was he with us now?

"Guys," Peter greeted everyone.

Oh no, he had a proposition to make. This was not going to end well.

"Yeah, I was hoping that maybe I could rejoin the team...?" Peter asked us.

"Nonono no way!" Flash yelled. "You can't just quit on us, stroll back, and be welcomed back by everyone."

Mr. Harrington stepped off of the bus, and clapped his hands together when he saw Peter. "Hey, welcome back, Peter! Flash, you're back to first alternate."

Heh heh heh. I took Flash's spot weeks ago, bumping him down to first alternate. Sucker!

"What?!" Flash asked.

"He took your spot!" Abe repeated, laughing a little.

Michelle appeared from behind Peter, looking a bit bored. I swore she was standing next to me just seconds ago... Was she a wizard?

"Excuse me, can we go already?" MJ asked. "'Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so..."

"Protesting is patriotic!" Mr. Harrington said. "Let's get on the bus."

Flash gave his jacket up to Peter, and he swung it around one shoulder. I told MJ to save me a seat next to her as I waited for Peter to get to the bus doors. When he did, I made sure to punch him on the arm before getting in.

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