The Reveal

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Fun fact: This chapter was originally going to be called Life's Not a Dream! Who Told You That?

I had never been so glad to go back to school. Kamala rushed over to me in the halls, and almost knocked me to the ground when she tried to hug me. She was speaking so quickly, I couldn't understand a word she said, and I had to stop her, so she could breathe. It seemed as if Kamala hardly got any sleep the night before.

"My family kept saying you guys weren't gonna make it!" Kamala finally said at a pace I could understand her with. "But then the news reporter was talking about how Spider-Man showed up, and kid you not, I stood up from the couch and just cheered when they showed the footage of him. Why weren't you there? I mean, you were there, but not as Eurus, even though Spider-Man was there. Did you know he'd be there? Why was he there? Do you know why?"

"Oh my god, you need to slow down!" I told her, laughing. We hadn't even gotten to first period yet, and she was already chatted her mouth off. "One question at a time."

Kamala breathed, and asked her first question, as we walked into the Chemistry classroom. Thank goodness the teacher was fine with us being lab partners.

"Do you know why Spider-Man was there?" Kamala asked.

"I thought I knew, but I wasn't quite sure," I explained, "so I went to go investigate myself."

Kamala pulled out her seat from under our lab table, and sat down. She seemed intrigued, and leaned in closer, so she could hear better. I wasn't planning on telling the story, but it seemed to be too late. I got her hooked, and she wasn't going to stop bothering me until I finally spilled everything.

Okay, I wasn't going to tell her everything, just the important stuff.

"I saw that you tagged my wall," Spider-Man said, swinging onto the rooftop that I was sitting on. "It's gotta be important if you illegally put up graffiti on a popular wall for me to see."

"Okay, it wasn't illegal," I told him. "That wall was bought by Jefferson Davis, so any artist that wanted to use it, can. I asked him if I could write on it beforehand, and he didn't say no."

Spider-Man took out his phone, and showed me a picture he took of the graffiti I did. It was really sloppy, but it just said 'Rendezvous Point :)' in messy yellow paint. I was probably going to go back and paint white over it, just in case Mr. Davis saw it. Again, he didn't say no, but he also didn't really say yes, either.

"What's up?" Spider-Man asked.

I went to sit behind a large sign on the OSCORP building, just to make sure no one was watching. There were no security cameras that I could see, which was nice. I had to wave at Spider-Man to join me, since he obviously didn't get that I needed to speak to him without anyone seeing.

"You're Peter Parker," I said, "aren't you?"

Spider-Man was silent for a moment. He seemed to back away just a bit, as if not knowing what to say. I started to doubt that I was right, but it would have all made sense! Why else would he have been in Washington D.C.?

"How'd you know?" Spider-Man asked.

"So you are Peter?"

"Yeah! But I don't understand." He hid himself behind the large sign so he could take off his mask. "How did you figure it out?"

"At first it was your Neverending Story ringtone," I told him. "No offense, but you have the worst sense of humor, although I kept trying to convince myself that it wasn't you. And then the Decathlon rolled around, and Peter didn't participate, but Spider-Man just so happened to be on his way to the Washington Monument? Ned knew about it, too, didn't he?"

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