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《Chapter 1》

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Chapter 1


That's all I want.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face as her heartbeat ran uncontrollably. She felt as though she was running a marathon. Legs slightly trembling, she forced one leg forward and the next, a continued pattern down the hallway of her new school. Her hand clenched the schedule in her palm, creases and crumbles erupting all over. Her H/C hair swished back and forth, just like her anxiety.

Y/N surveyed the school with her two different colored eyes. Her left eye was E/C while her right eye was a stunning F/C.

(A/n: So basically, you have two different colored eyes. Your left eye is the eye color you have in real life and your other eye is whatever color you want as long as it's different than your real eye. I will explain more about your eyes later on.)

A sudden explosion took place and Y/N's eyes started to glow out of instinct. Once she saw that there was no harm, she deactivated it. There slumped against the broken wall was a red haired male, bruises and scratches adorning him. Y/N's eyes widened in concern. "H-Hey, you alright there?"

The male ignored her as he staggered to his feet, a dark look on his face. He looked forward and Y/N noticed a male with dirty blonde hair and an undercut standing where the red hair male was thrown through the wall.

"Isen..." The red haired male glared.

"Damm it, Blyke! I lend you my pencil for one period and you go ahead and break it!" The boy, who she learned was named Isen, complained.

They are fighting...over a pencil..?

Blyke gritted his teeth, an ominous red glow appeared in his hands as he activated his ability, "Yeah, but you didn't have to go and hit me so hard! That fucking hurt!"

It was then Y/N noticed the other bystander standing a few feet from her, a boy with combed dark hair and bright, golden eyes. The poor dude who just wanted to use the bathroom yeeted himself from the scene as soon as he saw that Blyke had activated his ability. The two boys who were fighting had yet to notice Y/N, who stood passively, not knowing how to get through these boys without injuring herself.

Sighing, she managed to sneak past the two and continue along her way safely. She took another look at her schedule to confirm that she was now standing in front of the right classroom.

She was lowkey hoping she got the wrong classroom so she could stall time a bit more before she would be forced to go to class. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open to reveal the classroom full of other students.

"Ah, you must be the new transfer student. Please briefly introduce yourself to the class," the teacher gestured her to the front. Fuck, I don't like people.

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