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🌄Chapter 33🌄

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🌄Chapter 33🌄

"REALLY? THERE ISN'T a single thing you like about dorm life?" Seraphina asked John with a hint of surprise in her voice. After "Felicia and X-Rei's" first successful mission, Y/N returned to her normal school schedule the next day.

"Nope," He deadpanned. "Nothing at all. I feel like I have no personal space at all."

"Really? I'm surprisingly doing fine with dorm life. What about Blyke? He a good roommate?" Y/N inputted.

"Uh..he's actually really weird-"

He was cut off by the sound mumbling coming from a crowd of students gathered in the middle of the hallway. They all were looking at something plastered on the bulletin board, and judging by everyone's faces, it must've been interesting.

A student standing in the crowd exclaimed, "No way!"

"I thought they were just rumors, but it turned out to be true!" Another gossiped.

That was when the three finally noticed what was written on paper that everyone was so captivated by. A large photo of Seraphina was printed at the bottom of the paper, her at the bottom of the stairway covered in scratches and bruises.

"No wonder she's been acting so weird!"

"Doesn't this mean she can be beaten now?"

"I never liked that bitch as Ace anyways...she's a total stuck up..."

"Woah! Speak of the devil..."

The crowd all faced Seraphina, Y/N, and John, whispering to each other behind their hands. Everyone was eager to see what the purple haired girl would do in this situation. It somehow made them feel satisfied in some twisted way at the thought of the school's Ace being powerless.

Y/N narrowed in her eyes annoyingly at the paper on the bulletin board. I'm going to murder whoever wrote this. Without a word she marched up to the board and ripped the article off, crumpling it up and throwing it effortlessly into the face of one of the students that talked shit before.

"Did you just—?!"

"Shut your trap, you overgrown sperm." Without giving the idiot a chance to retaliate, Y/N walked back up to her two friends and motioned her hand down the hallway. "Let's get out of here before this gets any worse. They're probably going to try to start shit soon."

John grabbed Seraphina's sleeve and dragged her in a rushed manner away from the other students. He knew better than everyone how hostile Wellston was. They was no doubt they would take advantage of Sera's situation.

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