Shark Fishmen Law x Human Reader Part 2

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As promissed he waited one whole week for this 'period' thing to go away and your body regain it's strength from before. Law didn't find it fun to play with weak wounded preys, he liked them strong and gutsy, like you...

He pondered for days to no end how to approach the subject, how to approach you, a human. He was sure now of how he felt but he weren't the best at showing his feelings in general, so how would he do it?

He considered being romantic and respectful but that just wasn't his style, so he threw that option out of the window the second he thought of it, which left him with the only other available option, to be brutally and frontally open. 

So why was it taking so long to decide?

Easy, he was afraid. For the first time in his life Law was afraid of hurting a human, you...

Suddenly, he felt a familiar feeling on his lower half he had grown to recognize this past week, he was excited... He knew what he had to do in order for it to go away, looking down to them he wondered how you'd react to seeing him... humans were built differently after all. Would you even be able to take it?

Law decided to test that theory tonight.

After the sun had gone down and the stars had visibly taken over the night sky, the two of you were quick to eat your dinner as you didn't want it's smell to atract other aquatic creatures with it's tempting smell.

You felt Law's eyes scan you more often than usual, you smiled at thought of him being more aware of you in a good sense.

Thinking back at how you started and looking at how you two interacted now, it was a major change for the both of you but especially for Law, who no longer acted disgusted with your mere presence, he even showed small signs of affection and worry towards you...

You blushed as you gathered the remains of the food and pilled them in one single plate to scrape it all off later to the bin.

It didn't take long before you were done cleaning up the kitchen. You turned around to leave and ended up bumping into a hard naked familiar and delicious chest you often lost yourself in...

"L-Law? Is something wrong?" - He was quiet, too quiet even for him, you questioned his odd actions today.

"C-Come with me." - A light shade of pink seemed to have taken over Law's entire face, which you found adorable, and although his grip was rather tight on your wrist, you still followed him with ease.

Curiosity grew as you saw him taking quick glances your way and when caught staring his grip would get tighter around your pulse. You giggled softly every so often and he huffed in annoyance...

"Go in." - It sounded more like an order, but you didn't mind.

"Wait. You're not l-locking me in here, are you?!" - You didn't recognize this room and it looked too clean to have been used by anyone else, unless...

"W-What?! No! J-Just get in." - His typical calm stance changed as he tried to contain his high levels of embarrassement, but in your eyes it only looked more suspicious.

"N-No!" - You pulled your hand back in vain, his strength surpassed yours greatly.

He didn't like your answer as he grew flustered from the awkward attempt, so he simply pulled you into his hard chest before literally throwing you inside like a caveman would.

You screamed, expecting to get hurt, but your fall had felt much softer than what you'd expect thanks to the round bouncy bubbles underneath you... and slightly wetter as the bubbles were quite slippery.

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now