Twenty - Four ✔

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Mornings here are a different breed altogether. The sunlight tiptoes through those fancy curtains, kissing everything with a golden hue that screams 'You're not in the states anymore.' I wake up, all tousled hair and sleepy eyes, to find Christian already up, like some guardian of the manor.

"Morning," he says, looking like he's ready to take on the world, or at least, the part that involves organized crime.

"Mornin'," I mumble, trying to fight off the remnants of sleep. The day kicks off, and we fall into this peculiar rhythm, navigating the mansion's fancy corridors like it's a routine we've mastered. But there's nothing routine about it. It's a dance, and we're just hoping not to step on each other's toes...

In the sprawling courtyard, surrounded by manicured gardens, Christian and I find a quiet corner. The air is filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the distant sounds of the mansion staff at work provide a soothing backdrop.

We talk about everything—from mundane details to the complexities of his world. The vulnerability shared in our conversations creates a bond that defies easy definition.

Christian's eyes, at times guarded, soften as he looks at me. "Victoria, you've become an integral part of my life, and I can't shake the feeling that I need to keep you safe, no matter what."

A warmth blossoms in my chest—a mix of gratitude and a growing realization of the depth of our connection.


Under the midday sun, Christian leads me to a secluded stable tucked away on the sprawling estate grounds. The air is filled with the familiar scents of hay, leather, and the subtle muskiness of horses. The sight of the majestic animals, their powerful muscles rippling beneath sleek coats, adds a touch of wild elegance to the opulent surroundings.

Christian, dressed in dark riding attire, exudes a quiet confidence as he selects a horse for me. He introduces me to a beautiful chestnut mare named Ember, her eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and gentleness.

"Meet Ember. She's spirited but gentle," Christian says, running a hand along the horse's mane as if to reassure her. "She'll take good care of you."

I nod, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within me. It's been years since I've been on a horse, and the combination of the unfamiliar estate and the unpredictable nature of these majestic creatures adds a thrilling edge to the experience.

Christian assists me onto Ember with practiced ease, his touch both firm and reassuring. Once settled in the saddle, I take a moment to acclimate to the elevated vantage point. The world around me transforms as I look down from Ember's back.

"We'll take a leisurely ride around the estate," Christian says, mounting his own horse—a sleek, black stallion named Shadow. The contrast between Ember's warm chestnut tones and Shadow's midnight coat creates a visually striking pair.

As we set off, the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves on the gravel path becomes a comforting melody. The estate unfolds before us, revealing manicured gardens, expansive lawns, and picturesque views that stretch out to the horizon.

The ride is a blend of tranquility and exhilaration. The wind whistles past us as the horses pick up a gentle pace. Christian guides us through winding paths, sharing anecdotes about the estate's history and pointing out notable landmarks.

Ember proves to be a responsive companion, her movements fluid and harmonious. As we traverse the estate, I feel a connection with the horse beneath me—a silent understanding that transcends words. Christian, riding alongside me, observes with a pleased smile.

We reach a clearing with a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills. The vastness of the estate unfolds before us, and for a moment, time seems to stand still. Christian reins in Shadow, turning to me with a warm gaze.

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