Chapter 2(revised)

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I could hear the shouts from the pack of boys in dirty clothes, making out a vage amount of sentences.

"Who the shank are they?"

"I call dibs on the burnet one!"

"They're girls!"

"What the bloody heck!?"

The last sentence came from a blond boy in the front, as I stared at him he stared right back. I narrowed my eyes and rapidly took in the new procession in front of me.

I turned around to see Caroline in front of me.

"Caroline, nobody goes past these walls without my permission." I told her. Caroline is the second in command, "And set up a rotation for two girls to stand guard. We don't go to them and they don't come to us, got it?"

I knew that we should get in contact with these boys, maybe they were in the same situation as us, but the risk was too high for my liking. I had to keep order.

After Caroline gave a slight nod she gathered all the girls and started to tell them rules and the new night and day guard rotation. Some of them didn't seem to happy and complained that we should talk to them, but Caroline quickly repressed their ideas.

I now let the reality that no supplies had not been delivered sink in. And a dark thought crossed my mind: we could steal from the boys. If they had supplies-I mean they sure looked like they did.

Before I could think more into the thought Malian came over. She giggled and spoke in a girly tone, "Maybe we could become friends with them."

"Shut up," I said with no emotion walking off with my bow and arrow across my back. As I pasted through eyes sight of the boys that still stood there I stopped and looked back. At this the blond boy in the front aimed his own bow at me. Without hesitation I did the same. Another boy took out his slingshot to help and the pack continued to pull out their weapons. They continued to argue over what to do, making me snigger at the fact that I had made the situation handled already.

That's when I starting think about stealing from them, but they worked together. That was something they had and us girls did not. My order may be good from afar, but I know I many times do things for the better of the whole group versus the individuals.

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