Chapter 14

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I calloused on Newt's dead body feeling a heavy weight, crying.

"Newt! Newt why!" I burst in tears into his bloody chest. I heard the distant clang of the lift coming up, I guess it went down and I hadn't heard or seen it.

I knew what I had to do I had to go on the lift leave this maze, why was this the way out? Instead of just leaving Newt there I decided I would take him with me. People who had done this to us better have the power to bring people from the dead. And if they couldn't...then I would like to bury him.

I picked him up in my arms surprised by my great strength of his extreme lightness. 'We' arrived at the lift and I jumped in almost dropping Newt. I sat at the bottom and still crying laid Newt down. The lift started to go down, down into the deeps where I had first emerged. The second person to come to the center, and the only one to survive.

I lift went down for ages until it finally stopped and a white hallway made my eyes burst from the light.

I climbed out of the lift dragging Newt behind me. I staggered through the hallway not knowing where to go. I man appeared in my line of vision.

"Hey!" I screamed out.

The man turned and looked at Newt's body in confusion.

"Why is he here?" He asked looking at the trail of blood Newt left.

"You got a problem? I'm sorry that I've been through heck and you have your clean floor with some blood. Should I mop it up?" I said sweety.

Just then a women came looking interestingly at me and Newt, I just wanted to scream at her. Two guards started towards.

"No one touches me until Newt is revived. I know you can do that!" I screamed at them.

Though I knew that I was in no position to ask for such things. The women smiled, "I'm sorry we can't do that, we are going to revive them all."

Relief was taking over me. But it sounded too good to be true. She eyes me a large smile plastered on her face. But I wasn't an idiot this was obviously a trick, "What's the price?"

Her smile faded and she looked kind-of impressed with my question.

"You have to go back into the maze."

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